The neural substrate of OKN is illustrated in
Figure 2. The motor neurons in the left (right) NOT only drive leftward (rightward) rotation. Visual information reaches the NOT directly via retinofugal projections and indirectly via the visual cortex. The direct subcortical pathway is monocular: Visual information flows from the nasal hemiretina of each eye to the contralateral NOT, as shown by the solid green line and the dashed blue line. At birth, only this subcortical pathway is functional. With monocular viewing, the optokinetic response is triggered only if the target is moving in the TN direction and only if the target is seen by the nasal hemiretina.
The cortical pathway to the NOT, which develops after birth, consists of a descending input from the ipsilateral primary visual cortex (Hoffmann,
1989). Information from the contralateral visual cortex also reaches the NOT through this descending connection via the corpus callosum. Visual input from the left (right) hemifield in both eyes is routed to the right (left) cortex. This indirect cortical pathway provides a pathway via which the NOT can receive information from the ipsilateral eye.
This simple routing argument is not sufficient to explain the development of symmetric mOKN, which is highly dependent upon the development of binocularity—i.e., the combination of binocular information in the cortex. In the macaque, ocular dominance columns in the visual cortex are well formed before visual experience (Horton & Hocking,
1996), but disparity-selective neurons are found a few days after birth, and the spatial-frequency response properties of these neurons need several weeks to improve (Chino, Smith, Hatta, & Cheng,
1997). The development of disparity selectivity depends critically upon the eyes receiving correlated input (Hubel & Wiesel,
1965); this in turn depends upon the development of vergence control.
There have been two proposed mechanisms by which symmetry may fail to develop. One possibility is that a disruption of binocular vision may interfere with the development of the cortical connections to the NOT-DTN (Atkinson,
1979). Under this hypothesis, OKN is due to the subcortical pathway, which, as already pointed out, is asymmetric. However, this hypothesis seems unlikely, since it appears that the subcortical visual pathway supporting OKN eventually disappears or becomes significantly weaker during the course of normal development (del Viva, Morrone, & Fiorentini,
2001; Lynch & McLaren,
1983). This suggests that the subcortical visual pathway serves as initial developmental scaffolding that aids in the development of the cortically driven OKN (Braddick et al.,
2003). Thus, it appears more likely that the asymmetry is due to abnormalities in the descending cortical inputs to the NOT. Tychsen (
1999) has suggested that cortical neurons from ocular dominance columns serving the contralateral eye preferentially drive the NOT, similar to the contralateral bias seen in the subcortical pathway. During normal binocular development, horizontal connections emerge between ocular dominance columns. These provide the pathway through which information from both the ipsilateral and contralateral eyes can reach the NOT, enabling mOKN to become symmetric. Tychsen suggests that strabismus or amblyopia interferes with the development of these horizontal connections, leaving only input from the contralateral eye. In this case, mOKN remains asymmetric.
Note that the direct subcortical and indirect cortical visual pathways we refer to here are not the same as the direct and indirect pathways governing the temporal characteristics of OKN and optokinetic after-nystagmus (OKAN), which are preserved (Cohen, Matsuo, & Raphan,
1977; Cohen, Reisine, Yokota, & Raphan,
1992; Raphan, Matsuo, & Cohen,
1979). Our model focuses upon the steady-state, rather than transient, characteristics of OKN, and thus is more consistent with the indirect or “velocity storage” mechanism, which appears to hold or store activity producing slow phase eye velocity.