The strength of the aftereffect was measured as the strength of the impression of a target expression following adaptation to its anti-expression. For each participant an average aftereffect size was found for each combination of adapting duration and test duration, collapsed across the six target expressions (
Figure 4).
We began by examining what effect adaptation duration and test duration had on the size of the aftereffect. Ratings of expression intensity increased with increasing adapting duration (1000 ms: M = 3.55, SD = 0.89; 2000 ms: M = 3.72, SD = 0.98; 4000 ms: M = 3.82, SD = 0.99; 8000 ms: M = 3.99, SD = 1.03; 16,000 ms: M = 4.27, SD = 1.0) and decreased with increasing test duration (200 ms: M = 4.34, SD = 1.05; 400 ms: M = 3.96, SD = 0.98; 800 ms: M = 3.81, SD = 0.99; 1600 ms: M = 3.68, SD = 0.96; 3200 ms: M = 3.57, SD = 1.01). We used a two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance with a Greenhouse–Geisser correction to test these effects. There was a significant main effect of adaptation duration, F(1.478, 16.254) = 23.30, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.679 and a significant main effect of test duration, F(1.487, 16.352) = 18.60, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.628, with no significant interaction, F(6.527, 71.796) = 1.49, p = 0.189, η2p = 0.119. These results confirm that both adaptation duration and test duration had significant effects on the size of the expression aftereffect.
To examine whether the data showed the expected pattern of logarithmic build-up and exponential decay, we plotted the ratings at each adaptation duration (collapsed across test duration) and at each test duration (collapsed across adaptation duration) on semilog coordinates (
Figure 5c,
d; also shown on untransformed coordinates,
Figure 5a,
b). We used relative ratings, calculated by subtracting each participant's grand mean from their ratings (Leopold et al.,
2005; Rhodes et al.,
2007). This adjustment accounts for any overall biases in participants' responses (e.g., a tendency to rate all expressions lower on the scale than other participants), allowing us to more clearly see any patterns across participants' responses. If the data follow the expected pattern the points should form straight lines when plotted on semilog coordinates. Straight line fits to the group data (
Figure 5c,
d) were excellent, with
R2 = 0.97 for the adaptation duration function (slope = 0.57) and
R2 = 0.92 for the test duration function (slope = −0.61). Wald–Wolfowitz runs tests indicated no significant nonlinearities (
ps > 0.50). These results confirm that expression aftereffects follow the classic timecourse pattern of logarithmic build-up and exponential decay found for lower level visual aftereffects. This pattern is also consistent with the timecourses found for other face aftereffects (Leopold et al.,
2005; Rhodes et al.,
To further examine the shape of these build-up and decay functions, we fit functions to individual participants' data, and compared the fit of the log-transformed functions described above to linear functions fit on untransformed axes. This analysis allowed us to both examine whether the functions found above fit well at the individual level, and to compare their goodness of fit to an alternative, linear function. We found each participant's mean rating at each adaptation duration (collapsed across test duration) and at each test duration (collapsed across adaptation duration). For each participant we fit a linear trend to these mean ratings on semilog coordinates. We also fit a linear trend to the data on untransformed coordinates. The mean
R2 for each type of fit is given in
Table 1. For test duration,
R2 values were significantly higher for the functions fit on log-transformed axes than for the functions fit on untransformed axes,
t(11) = 3.33,
p = 0.007, indicating that the pattern of the data is better described by an exponential function. For adaptation duration there was no significant difference in
R2 values between the two types of fit. Examination of
Table 1 suggests that this lack of a significant difference is driven by a strong linear trend in the data (high
R2 for the untransformed fit), rather than a poor fit for the logarithmic function. Overall we have evidence consistent with the classic timecourse of logarithmic build-up and exponential decay for the expression aftereffect in the group data, with a significantly better fit for an exponential decay function than a linear decay function at the individual level.
A secondary aim was to determine which adaptation durations produced significant aftereffects, and whether aftereffects were still present after our longest test durations. Single-sample t tests confirmed that ratings were significantly higher than zero in all conditions (all ps < 0.001). However, it is unlikely that expression ratings would fall to zero in the absence of an aftereffect because the average expression contains each of the target expressions and may resemble each of them to some extent. We can however compare the size of ratings between conditions—if ratings are significantly higher in some conditions than others, we can infer that adaptation resulted in an aftereffect that elevated those ratings.
Inspection of
Figure 4 suggests that aftereffects were produced after as little as 1 s of adaptation. At the shortest test duration (Adapt1Test200), ratings were higher than at the longest test duration (Adapt1Test3200), suggesting that an aftereffect was present at the offset of the 200-ms test face that had decayed by the offset of the 3200-ms test face. A paired samples
t test confirmed that ratings were significantly higher for Adapt1Test200 than for Adapt1Test3200,
t(11) = 4.14,
p = 0.002,
d = 0.63 (Bonferroni-corrected
α= .01). This result indicates that the expression aftereffect can be generated by as little as 1 s of adaptation, at least when the test duration is brief.
It also appears that aftereffects remained for as long as 3200 ms of test exposure, at least in the longer adaptation conditions. To determine what length of adaptation was required to produce a significant aftereffect that remained after 3200 ms of test exposure, we used paired samples t tests to compare ratings of expression intensity at Adapt1Test3200 (the shortest adaptation duration, when aftereffects should be smallest) to ratings at Adapt2Test3200, Adapt4Test3200, Adapt8Test3200, and Adapt16Test3200. There was a significant aftereffect after 16 s of adaptation, t(11) = −5.03, p < 0.001, d = 0.54, and after 8 s of adaptation, t(11) = -3.12, p = 0.010, d = 0.40. There was no significant aftereffect after 4 s of adaptation, t(11) = −2.33, p = 0.040, d = 0.29, or 2 s of adaptation, t(11) = -1.23, p = 0.245, d = 0.16 (with Bonferroni-corrected α= .01). These results show that adaptation of a sufficiently long duration (at most 8 s, and possibly 4 s) can produce an aftereffect that remains after 3200 s of exposure to the test face.