Most research about the perception of these material properties has been conducted in the haptic domain (see Di Luca & Ernst,
2014, for an overview). In the visual domain, most studies in this field have focused on judgments about the perceived elasticity of objects falling on a rigid ground. For example, Warren, Kim, and Husney (
1987) reported initial evidence that observers use some simple heuristics when judging the elasticity of bouncing balls, such as the relative height of subsequent bounces. Nusseck, Fleming, Langarde, Bardy, and Bülthoff (
2007) expanded these findings by showing that the choice of heuristics depends on whether one passively perceives a scene or has to predict the future behavior of the ball. Rules of thumb, like the height of a bounce, only apply to the specific scene of a bouncing sphere, of course—more complex shapes tend to rebound in less predictable ways, potentially making it harder to use such simple heuristics to infer elasticity. It is also worth noting that most previous investigations of elasticity perception have dealt with conditions in which deformations of object shape are either entirely absent or very small compared to the overall motion of the objects. In the current study, by contrast, we focused on shape deformations with objects that were rigidly attached to the ground plane, so that the rigid component of the motion was much smaller. Kawabe and Nishida (
2016) also studied the perception of an elastic object falling on a rigid plane, but investigated image cues to elasticity other than those related to the bounces. More specifically, they investigated the contribution of two types of motion: motion from the deformation of the object's outlines and motion from the optical deformation within the translucent object. They found that observers can use both types of information to distinguish different levels of elasticity and the differences between the two cues may be related to differences in the optic flow pattern of both types of motion. This leaves the questions of (a) how observers judge stiffness in different types of scenes (not free falls); (b) how other optical material properties influence the judgment; and (c) more generally, what other visual cues to stiffness there are. These questions are addressed in the current study. Han and Keyser (
2016) investigated the effects of high- and low-level texture information on the perception of deformation in another free-fall scene. They showed that high-level properties have little influence on the perception of deformation—for example, the deformation of a sphere is detected equally likely when the sphere has the optical appearance of a soccer ball or that of a billiard ball (Han & Keyser,
2015). In contrast, the detection of deformation may be facilitated through the low-level features of the texture, like contrast and spatial frequency (Han & Keyser,
2016). Scenes in which an elastic object falls down are in some sense less complex because the external force (gravity) is at least potentially known to the observer—as we are highly familiar with the acceleration of falling objects. Despite this, changes in gravity are not always detected in such free-fall scenes (Twardy & Bingham,
2002). This may reflect a depth-scaling ambiguity in the mapping from physical speed to retinal speed: A distant object falling from a great height will produce lower retinal accelerations than a nearby object that falls the same visual angle (a much smaller physical distance). Again, in the present study we explicitly wanted to investigate visual cues in other types of scenes. Fakhourny, Culmer, and Henson (
2015) used a scene in which soft objects are indented by another object and found that the resulting deformations can be interpreted more accurately when all objects are indented with the same force rather than to the same amount. Thus, in this study the observers showed some bias in how they interpret the ambiguity between external force and internal material properties. In addition to investigating how accurately observers can estimate stiffness, in our study we also tried to understand
how they derive this estimate.