The occurrence rate of target features is an important determiner of performance in visual search. In target present–absent tasks, participants frequently miss the target if most trials are target–absent trials (Wolfe, Horowitz, Van Wert et al.,
2007; Wolfe, Horowitz, & Kenner,
2005), and they are less accurate in detecting a rarely present target relative to a more frequently present target (Godwin, Menneer, Cave et al.,
2010; Godwin, Menneer, Riggs, Cave, & Donnelly,
2015; Hon & Tan,
2013; Hout, Walenchok, Goldinger, & Wolfe,
2015). More recent work using target identification tasks has extended the target frequency effect to situations in which one of two targets is always present. The more frequent target stimulus is detected more rapidly (Kruijne & Meeter,
2015). These findings firmly establish target frequency as a modulator of attentional priority.
1 In this study, we use an identification task involving two potential targets to investigate two characteristics of the target frequency effect: its durability and selectivity.
The first question that we raise is whether the frequency effect reflects relatively transient or durable changes in attentional priority. On one hand, frequency differences between target stimuli may yield long-term statistical learning about each target's probability. On the other hand, a target that occurs more frequently than another also repeats more often across successive trials. This can induce intertrial priming, an effect that speeds responses for immediate repetitions of a target, but that tends to diminish rapidly over a few trials (Maljkovic & Nakayama,
1994). Previous research has produced mixed results regarding the durability of the target frequency effect. In present/absent tasks with a single target, people are primarily sensitive to the target's global prevalence across a long block rather than to its local prevalence in a short sequence (Cain, Vul, Clark, & Mitroff,
2012; Ishibashi, Kita, & Wolfe,
2012). This finding suggests that frequency effects may reflect learning of stable target statistics. Findings from two-target identification tasks have also observed long-term effects, particularly in a conjunction search. Here, after finding one conjunction search target more often than the other, participants persisted in prioritizing the high-frequency target even after the target frequencies became equal. This finding was shown when the conjunction search task was difficult and when it was easy. However, in a color singleton search task in which the target was more often one color (e.g., red among green) rather than another (e.g., green among red), the frequency effect dissipated quickly. This was the case even when the singleton search task was difficult (Kruijne & Meeter,
The aforementioned findings raise the question about conditions under which the target frequency effect is durable. Because conjunction search and singleton search differ in many respects, it is important to test other search tasks that close the gap between the two. To this end, this study tests participants in a feature search task in which participants search for a target that can be of two specific colors among distractors of heterogeneous colors and report the orientation of the target. Similar to conjunction search and unlike singleton search, the feature search task requires people to hold the specific target colors in the search template. This should produce episodic memory traces of the specific target features, a condition hypothesized to be important for establishing long-term frequency effects (Kruijne & Meeter,
2015). At the same time, the feature search task involves finding features that are exclusively associated with the target—none of the distractors possess the target features. In this regard it is similar to singleton search and different from conjunction search. The activation of the target feature can prime the same target feature on subsequent trials, without also priming distractor features. This may induce strong short-term repetition effects. Thus, the feature search task provides an important empirical test case for the durability of the target frequency effect.
A second question, that of selectivity, examines what target relationship a feature must possess for its frequency to affect search performance. Previous studies on visual statistical learning have shown that attention or task relevance is not strictly required for learning. For example, in visual search, repeating the spatial configuration formed by distractors produces robust implicit attention learning (Chun & Jiang,
1998). In addition, when a sequence of red and green shapes is presented in predictable orders, instructing participants to attend to a subset of the shapes (e.g., red ones) does not always preclude learning of the unattended shapes (Musz, Weber, & Thompson-Schill,
2014). These findings raise the possibility that frequency effects are not restricted to relevant target features. At present, however, the role of task relevance has not been addressed in previous work on target frequency effects. The frequency differences people are sensitive to have so far come from the features that define the target. Frequency differences in an incidental feature may facilitate search, yet direct empirical evidence is lacking. Here, we examined visual search reaction times as a function of the frequency of occurrence of a finding (target-defining) feature separately from the frequency of occurrence of the reported property. This work informs us whether frequency effects are confined to features relevant to a given stage of the search task.
We conducted five experiments to examine the durability and selectivity of the target frequency effect.
Experiments 1 and
2 tested whether frequency differences in the target-defining feature yielded durable or transient changes in search. Subsequent experiments contrasted frequency effects in features that defined the search targets with frequency differences in the features that dictated the response to targets.