Takemura, Rokem, and colleagues (
2016) further extended these methods to associate visual field maps and tractography by separating the generation of the fascicles and evaluation of tractography solutions. Streamlines were generated using probabilistic tractography and constrained spherical deconvolution (Tournier et al.,
2012), and a subset of streamlines was selected based on linear fascicle evaluation (Pestilli et al.,
2014). This analysis rejects spurious streamlines that do not explain the diffusion signal and evaluates the statistical evidence for the existence of remaining streamlines. Based on this approach, the vertical occipital fasciculus (VOF) was delineated and validated. The VOF, which connects dorsal and ventral visual field maps, was known to 19th century anatomists from postmortem studies (Déjerine & Déjerine-Klumpke,
1895; Sachs,
1892; Wernicke,
1881), but it was widely ignored in the vision literature until recent studies (Duan, Norcia, Yeatman, & Mezer,
2015; Martino & Garcia-Porrero,
2013; Takemura, Rokem et al.,
2016; Weiner, Yeatman, & Wandell,
2016; Yeatman, Weiner et al.,
2014; Yeatman, Rauschecker, & Wandell,
2013). By combining fMRI and dMRI, it is possible to visualize the VOF end points near the visual field maps (Takemura, Rokem et al.,
2016): The dorsal end points of the VOF are near V3A, V3B, and neighboring maps, and the ventral end points of the VOF are near hV4 and VO-1 (
Figure 6; Takemura, Rokem et al.,
2016). This is important because it sheds light on the nature of communication through the VOF: hV4 and VO-1 are the first full hemifield maps in the ventral stream (Arcaro et al.,
2009; Brewer et al.,
2005; Wade, Brewer, Rieger, & Wandell,
2002; Winawer, Horiguchi, Sayres, Amano, & Wandell,
2010; Winawer & Witthoft,
2015), and V3A and V3B are the first visual field maps to contain a full hemifield representation in the dorsal stream. The proximity of the VOF to these visual field maps suggests that it contributes to transfer of the upper and lower visual field representation between dorsal and ventral maps to build hemifield representation in midlevel visual areas. The structure of VOF may also have implications for how dorsal and ventral streams communicate to integrate spatial and categorical information: V3A and V3B are known to be selective for motion and binocular disparity (Ashida, Lingnau, Wall, & Smith,
2007; Backus, Fleet, Parker, & Heeger,
2001; Cottereau, McKee, Ales, & Norcia,
2011; Fischer, Bulthoff, Logothetis, & Bartels,
2012; Goncalves et al.,
2015; Nishida, Sasaki, Murakami, Watanabe, & Tootell,
2003; Tootell et al.,
1997; Tsao et al.,
2003), and hV4 and VO-1 are selective for color (Brewer et al.,
2005; Brouwer & Heeger,
2009; Goddard, Mannion, McDonald, Solomon, & Clifford,
2011; McKeefry & Zeki,
1997; Wade et al.,
2002; Wade et al.,
2008; Winawer & Witthoft,