External noise paradigms (Lu & Dosher,
2008; Pelli,
1981; Pelli & Farell,
1999) are widely used to characterize sensitivity by comparing the effect of a variable on contrast thresholds when it is limited by internal versus external noise. An underlying assumption of such an external noise paradigm is that the processing properties are the same in the presence and absence of external noise. This noise-invariant processing assumption (Allard & Cavanagh,
2011) is generally taken for granted because the visual system has some intrinsic noise, so adding external noise is expected to increase the total amount of noise without triggering a shift in processing properties. However, Allard and colleagues (Allard & Cavanagh,
2011; Allard & Faubert,
2013; Allard & Faubert,
2014b; Allard, Renaud, Molinatti, & Faubert,
2013) recently found evidence that this assumption can be violated for a contrast detection task when the noise is spatiotemporally localized to the target (i.e., appears simultaneously and at the same location as the target) but not when it is spatiotemporally extended (i.e., continuously displayed, full-screen, dynamic noise). Although these studies suggest that localized noise can trigger a change in processing properties, most recent studies using external noise paradigms based on the noise-invariant processing assumption continue to use spatially and/or temporally localized noise (e.g., Baldwin, Baker, & Hess,
2016; Bejjanki et al.,
2014; Chen et al.,
2014; Hou, Lu, & Huang,
2014; Wyart, Nobre, & Summerfield,
2012). A potential violation of the noise-invariant processing assumption is probably ignored because the evidence for a shift in processing properties is indirect (e.g., aging, Allard et al.,
2013), is for a specific noise type (e.g., 0D noise, Allard & Faubert,
2014b), is for a specific task (e.g., motion discrimination, Allard & Faubert,
2014a), or relies on a peripheral phenomenon that is not fully understood (e.g., crowding, Allard & Cavanagh,
2011). The target of the current study was to directly test if adding noise that is spatiotemporally localized could trigger a shift in processing properties for a standard contrast detection task in central vision.