The existence of a relationship between working memory and eye movements has been previously documented through several oculomotor measures other than microsaccades. For instance, there is evidence that saccadic latency (Schaeffer, Chi, Krafft, Li, Schwarz, & McDowell,
2015), saccadic suppression (Mitchell, Macrae, & Gilchrist,
2002; Roberts, Hager, & Heron,
1994), saccadic curvature (Theeuwes, Olivers, & Chizk,
2005) and even the pupillary light reflex (Blom, Mathôt, Olivers, & Van der Stigchel,
2016), are influenced by mechanisms related to working memory functioning. A possible explanation for this link calls into question the potential role of the Superior Colliculus (SC). Indeed, it is well known that the SC is highly engaged during the execution of saccadic eye movements (Hafed & Chen,
2016; Sparks,
1988), and there is also evidence supporting a role of the SC in both saccadic curvature (Van der Stigchel, Meeter, & Theeuwes,
2006) and pupil response (Wang, Boehnke, White, & Munoz,
2012). Also for microsaccades, even if the neural pathway that would support these tiny movements is still debated (e.g., Otero-Millan, Macknik, Serra, Leigh, & Martinez-Conde,
2011), converging evidence indicates the rostral pole of the SC as the most likely neural generator of microsaccades (e.g., Hafed, Goffart, & Krauzlis,
2009; see also Martinez-Conde et al.,
2013). This notion is also in line with a model of microsaccade generation put forward by Rolfs et al., (
2008), which correctly predicted the involvement of the rostral pole of the SC in microsaccades before neurophysiological data were available. At the same time, there is also evidence that some output neurons of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, a cortical area that plays a crucial role in working memory (e.g., Gilbert et al.,
2006), directly project to the SC during working memory tasks (Johnston & Everling,
2009). Moreover, a recent study (Shen, Bezgin, Selvam, McIntosh, & Ryan,
2016) has proposed the existence of a broad neural network that would mediate the exchange of information between memory and oculomotor systems. Taken together, these pieces of evidence seem to suggest that ongoing memory tasks can modulate the SC functioning and, in turn, this modulation might be reflected in oculomotor responses.