Perhaps the minimal hierarchical characteristic of a coherent cause of visual input is the creation of wholes with parts. For instance, a whole (e.g., forest scene) is generated with its parts (e.g., sky, birds, or trees). In turn, each of these wholes (e.g., a visual object such as a bird) is generated with its parts (wings, a beak, legs, etc.); and so on. This example refers to parts in a simplified manner, although the actual parts used by the visual system may be more abstract. Biederman (
1987) proposed that primitive parts (termed “geons,” from geometrical eons) of blocks, cylinders, spheres, and wedges, are important for object recognition. He further argued that recognizing objects, similar to recognizing speech from phonemes, relies on a modest number of such geon parts, and the arrangement of these parts. Although there are an infinite number of ways that wholes can be constructed from their lower level parts, the allowable constructions respect particular constraints (see discussion on compositionality in Bienenstock & Geman,
1995; Bienenstock, Geman, & Potter,
1997). Statistical constraints arise because of coherence between wholes and parts, a prominent example of which is the geometric arrangement of the parts (Felzenszwalb & Huttenlocher,
2005; Felzenszwalb, Girshick, McAllester, & Ramanan,
2010; Felzenszwalb, McAllester, & Ramanan,
2008; Fergus, Perona, & Zisserman,
2003; Fischler & Elschlager,
1973; Sudderth, Torralba, Freeman, & Willsky,
2005). That generation follows particular rules implies that its recognition inverse will possess certain properties. We describe this as a partnering principle. For the case of part-whole generation, the partnering recognition principle is a form of
binding. This determines how to align parts with the roles they play in the putative wholes, and thereby represent them appropriately. This process thus identifies the parts (e.g., wings, a beak, or legs) and their coherence to infer the whole (bird), a process which can proceed hierarchically up to the whole forest scene