However, the extent to which contrast constancy is achieved varies across the SF spectrum, being better for high (above 2 c/°) than for low SFs (Georgeson & Sullivan,
1975). We suggest that this partial failure at low SFs might be responsible for the interaction between SF and contrast that we unveiled in our experiments (in which, notably, all the stimuli had a SF lower than 2 c/°). To understand why this might happen, one needs to consider the biological substrate of the SF channels considered by the contrast constancy theory and the distribution of contrast across SFs in natural images—factors that are the basis for the coding efficiency theory of response equalization. It is well known (R. De Valois & De Valois,
1988) that V1 neurons respond well only to a limited band of SFs and that their SF tuning curve is generally well described as a log-Gaussian function (i.e., symmetric in log-SF space, not in linear SF space). Assuming a constant bandwidth (in log-SF space), if stimulated with a white noise pattern (i.e., a stimulus with a flat spectrum in linear SF space), neurons tuned to high SFs would be stimulated much more strongly than neurons tuned to low SFs. However, in the natural world, the spectrum of SFs is not flat and follows a 1/f distribution: On average, contrast energy decreases as SF increases. Neurons with a log-Gaussian tuning function and fixed bandwidth for SF are a good match for this type of energy distribution: If presented with natural images, neurons of this type tuned to different SFs would, on average, be equally stimulated (Brady & Field,
1995; Field,
1987). Put another way, such neurons effectively boost high SFs, which are relatively under-represented in natural images, resulting in a whitening of the spectrum and an efficient use of resources (Atick & Redlich,
1992; Barlow,
2001; Brady & Field,
2000; Field,
1987; Field & Brady,
1997; D. Graham et al.,
2006; Simoncelli & Olshausen,
2001). The log-Gaussian tuning of early visual neurons can then be seen as a developmental adaptation to the statistics of the visual environment, one of the many that have been proposed (Boots, Nundy, & Purves,
2007), which can be brought about by a mechanism of response equalization (easily implemented neurally as an unsupervised learning rule).