Objects that physically shift in depth along the midline produce an equal (congruent) change in proximity, disparity, and blur. Isolating disparity vergence mechanisms for study requires controlling the blur and proximal stimuli. This can be achieved dichoptically, using a haploscope (
Figure 2), where both accommodation and proximity are held constant while disparity vergence is varied. In this “noncongruent” design, a much stronger SV response is required to prevent blur that would be generated via the PV driven vergence accommodation cross-link. Because of this, SV function has typically been characterized using base-in or base-out optical prism to create noncongruent disparity (Rosenfield,
1997; Thiagarajan, Lakshminarayanan, & Bobier,
2010); however, monocular optical prism creates a condition where fusion can be gained theoretically by a monocular movement and yet experimentally both eyes move, which invokes a complex vergence and saccadic interaction (Alpern & Ellen,
1956; Kenyon, Ciuffreda, & Stark,
1978). In contrast, symmetric disparities, created dichoptically, have typically been used to study PV. Interestingly, in these studies, the congruency of the initial stimulus from which PV is measured is not consistent and varies between noncongruent and cue-congruent, depending the disparity step sizes used (Alvarez, Semmlow, & Pedrono,
2005; Hung et al.,
1997; Scheiman, Talasan, Mitchell, & Alvarez,
2017). This variation is likely due to the difficulty found in eliciting saccade-free divergence responses to larger uncrossed disparities (Hung et al.,
1994). Because the main goal of the current study was to examine the interaction between PV and SV responses, all stimuli began from an initially cue-congruent fixation position of 2.5 MA (8.44° based on a 60mm interpupillary distance) of convergence at a 40 cm viewing distance. PV and SV responses were then generated by creating a symmetric, noncongruent change in disparity only. These conditions were designed to ensure that each system's responses were generated using an identical type of disparity stimuli. A single testing distance of 40 cm was selected for this study to provide optimal conditions to elicit purely divergence responses. Previous work has demonstrated a starting position bias for divergence, with larger and faster responses being elicited from closer testing distances (up to 40 cm or 2.5 MA), while convergence responses were unaffected by testing distance (Alvarez, Bhavsar, Semmlow, Bergen, & Pedrono,
2005). Therefore, differences between phasic convergence and divergence responses would be expected to increase as the testing distance increases. Additionally, subjective ocular discomfort ratings for uncrossed disparities have been reported to be significantly higher at farther working distances (Banks, Kim, & Shibata,
2013). This information further supports the assumption that the fastest and most optimal divergence response would occur when the initial fixation distance was nearer to the observer, resulting in less symptomology when presented with uncrossed disparity. Accordingly, a test distance of 40 cm was selected, as any asymmetries between convergence and divergence are expected to increase if the same procedures were performed at greater distances.