Psychophysical data from our lab has shown that an individual's Red/Green balance (R/Gbal) for long-wavelength targets varies with light level and achromatic surround configuration. New data suggest these balances are relatively unaffected by achromatic surround complexity, but are greatly influenced by total surround flux and reveal changes in postreceptoral weighting of M and L cone signals. A model, R/Gbal = a*(SFlux/TLum)+e, can account for these variations; an individual's R/Gbal for a chromatic target is predicted by the total flux of the surround (SFlux) divided by the luminance of the target (TLum) multiplied by a weighting function (a) with the addition of an error constant (e). This formula predicts that increasing SFlux will shift an individual's R/Gbal in a direction consistent with an increased post-receptoral weighting of M cone signals relative to L cone signals. Conversely increasing TLum will shift an individual's R/Gbal in the opposite direction.
Meeting abstract presented at the 2016 OSA Fall Vision Meeting