Neural responses to repeated stimuli tend to be smaller than responses to nonrepeated stimuli. This phenomenon, which has been observed both in electrophysiological recordings (Carandini & Ferster,
1997; Henson et al.,
2003) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) (Dobbins, Schnyer, Verfaellie, & Schacter,
2004; Grill-Spector et al.,
1999; Henson,
2003), has been labeled fMRI adaptation or repetition suppression (Barron, Garvert, & Behrens,
2016; Grill-Spector, Henson, & Martin,
2006). Beyond its intrinsic interest as a neurobiological phenomenon, adaptation has become an important tool in cognitive fMRI research because it allows one to examine neural representation by assessing the extent to which one stimulus is treated as a “repetition” of another. For example, fMRI adaptation has been used to investigate the specificity of responses across stimulus variation (e.g. Fang, Murray, Kersten, & He,
2005; Kourtzi & Kanwisher,
2001; MacEvoy & Epstein,
2007; Persichetti, Thompson-Schill, Butt, Brainard, & Aguirre,
2015; Weiner, Sayres, Vinberg, & Grill-Spector,
2010; Winston, Henson, Fine-Goulden, & Dolan,
2004), the dissociability of perceptual processes (Ashida, Lingnau, Wall, & Smith,
2007), and the geometry of neural similarity spaces (Aguirre,
2007; Loffler, Yourganov, Wilkinson, & Wilson,