Our results are in line with recent models that state that items held in VWM can have different effects on selective attention depending on current task-relevance or priority (Olivers et al.,
2011; Zokaei, Ning, Manohar, Feredoes, & Husain,
2014). More specifically, our results support the idea that only a currently prioritized feature captures attention very strongly whereas an item that is important for later on, referred to here as a prospective search template, does not, or at least to a much lesser extent. The prospectively held color did attract slightly more but not larger eye movements when probed together with an irrelevant color but did not survive our multiple comparison corrections. This pattern is reminiscent of an EEG study by Peters, Goebel, & Roelfsema (
2009). They presented a prospective memory item in a stream of distractors, and found that the ERP elicited by the prospective memory item could not be distinguished from the ERPs elicited by the other distractor items. In contrast, the search template did inflict a larger ERP. However, it remains elusive how this division of items in VWM is established in the brain and how relevance influences saccade generation, especially since neurons in frontal eye fields (FEF; Stanton, Bruce, & Goldberg,
1995) and superior colliculus (SC; Fries,
1984), regions that are important in generating eye movements, are not themselves color selective (the target-defining feature used here). Therefore, the observed color-memory effects of the template on directionality and saccadic distance were likely generated in color-sensitive sensory systems that project to SC and FEF (White, Boehnke, Marino, Itti, & Munoz,
2009). As we failed to observe strong biases towards the prospective color in the probe, the prospective color might either be represented differently within these color-sensitive regions, be represented in the same way but without projecting to eye movement centers, or be represented elsewhere entirely. It has been suggested that the current item is maintained via sustained neuronal firing in feature-specific sensory populations whereas prospective items might be maintained by sustained firing in other, nonsensory regions (Goldman-Rakic,
1995). Or the prospective item might be temporarily stored via altered patterns of synaptic weights (Mongillo, Barak, & Tsodyks,
2008), which would mean that the prospective memory items are stored in a more passive state, analogous to storage of information in long term-memory. This latter idea is in line with recent fMRI studies that passive memory representations can be reactivated depending on task demands. For example, in a study by Lewis-Peacock, Drysdale, Oberauer, and Postle (
2012), it was demonstrated that when multiple items were maintained in memory, the (temporarily) irrelevant item (similar to the prospective search template here) could not be decoded, until it was cued to become relevant to the task again. In contrast, only the item that was within the focus of attention (similar to the current search template here) could be successfully decoded through patterns of voxel activity. Similarly, another fMRI study, by Peters, Roelfsema, and Goebel (
2012), suggests that the two different states influence activity in extrastriate visual cortex in opposite directions: Whereas the prospective search template in memory suppressed activity, the current search template in WM enhanced processing of matching visual input. Moreover, Zokaei, Manohar, Husain, and Feredoes (
2013) used TMS on motion-sensitive area MT+, and showed that working-memory precision of motion direction was distorted with high-intensity TMS on MT+, but crucially only for the currently prioritized (cued) item, not for uncued memory items.