Reverse correlation (RC) and spike-triggered average (STA) techniques have been extensively used to characterize neural systems (Ringach & Shapley,
2004; Simoncelli, Paninski, Pillow, & Schwartz,
2004), such as in identifying receptive field properties of retinal ganglion cells (Hida & Naka,
1982), lateral geniculate nucleus neurons (Reid & Alonso,
1995), and simple cells in the primary visual cortex (DeAngelis, Ohzawa, & Freeman,
1993a; DeAngelis, Ohzawa, & Freeman,
1993b ; Jones & Palmer,
1987; Ohzawa, DeAngelis, & Freeman,
1990). In RC/STA, it is hypothesized that the output of the interested system is determined by a linear weighting of input stimuli followed by a nonlinear response function and a noise response (for neural data this is typically Gaussian or Poisson, and for psychophysical data, typically Bernoulli, the so-called linear–nonlinear (L–N) model). The parameters of the linear filter in the first stage of the L–N model are estimated as proportional to the expectation of inputs conditioned by the system's response. The technique has also been generalized to characterize a nonlinear system expressed as the Wiener/Volterra series expansion. The system consists of a linear combination of monomials in the components of the input vector (see
Eq. 1), whose coefficients are estimated by a cross-correlation procedure (Franz & Schoelkopf,
2003; Orcioni,
2014; Schetzen,
1980). In this framework, RC and STA are methods for estimating the first-order term in the Wiener/Volterra representation of the system, and spike-triggered covariance analysis (STC, Schwartz, Chichilnisky, & Simoncelli,
2002; Simoncelli et al.,
2004) provides an estimate of the components of the second-order term. The RC technique has also been extended to psychophysical experiments, defined as noise image classification, for deriving linear (Ahumada,
1996; Beard & Ahumada,
1998) and nonlinear (Neri,
2004) properties of sensory filters. These conventional methods, however, rely on the assumption that the ensembles of input stimuli satisfy a specific statistical distribution (RC/STA: spherical symmetry [Chichilnisky,
2001]; STC: Gaussian with a zero mean [Paninski,
2003]). Therefore, the use of these techniques has been valuable only at the early stage of sensory processing, when using statistically restricted stimuli such as randomly changing luminance patterns. On the other hand, there is an increasing demand for experiments that study neuronal responses to natural stimuli (David, Vinje, & Gallant,
2004; Vinje & Gallant,
2000). As natural images have specific statistical properties and sample only a subspace of all possible images explored during stimulation with white noise (Ruderman,
1994), it is preferable to use a method for identifying complex neural systems without any statistical constraint on the input stimulus.