Pupillometry is a measure of pupil diameter used in psychology and vision science to understand how pupil size corresponds to stimulation. Similar to a camera, changes in illumination and focus affect pupil size, with the pupil getting larger (dilating) to accommodate more light, and smaller (constricting) to focus on fine details or to accommodate less light (Ellis,
1981; Ripps, Chin, Siegel, & Breinin,
Although the low-level pupil reflex in response to changes in light level, known as the pupillary light response (PLR), is well-established, evidence has implicated a cognitive component to changes in pupil size (Beatty & Lucero-Wagoner,
2000; Loewenfeld,
1958). For example, demanding tasks such as recalling a long string of digits, solving a complicated math problem, or detecting continuity errors, all result in pupil dilation (Klingner, Tversky, & Hanrahan,
2011). Furthermore, pupil size has been shown to change when viewing a motion-induced blindness illusion in which a physically present stimulus appears and disappears, with pupil dilation observed during the reported disappearances (Kloosterman et al.,
2015). Together, these studies demonstrate that components of cognitive processing, such as cognitive load, perceptual content, or surprise, have a direct effect on pupil size.
Even with regards to the seemingly involuntary PLR, the mechanism is not as straightforward as one might expect from a low-level reflex. As evidenced from several studies, a “simulated” PLR can be evoked without perceiving actual changes in light level, for example, through awareness, interpretation, and mental imagery. In the case of awareness, when images of different luminance are presented to each eye in a binocular rivalry experiment, both pupils constrict when the higher luminance image dominates perception, demonstrating that physical luminance alone is not sufficient to produce pupil changes (Naber, Frässle, & Einhäuser,
2011). Regarding interpretation, an image of the sun elicits a stronger PLR than other types of images with the same brightness, demonstrating the effect of prior knowledge on pupil size (Binda, Pereverzeva, & Murray,
2013). Finally, with mental imagery, even imagining looking at a bright stimulus, or preparing to do so, causes the pupils to constrict (Laeng & Endestad,
2012; Mathôt, van der Linden, Jonathan, & Vitu,
2014). These findings further demonstrate that the pupil is sensitive to higher-order cognition, and that changes in pupil size are not based simply on the physical stimulus.
Although the studies aforementioned highlight that higher-order perceptions and cognitions influence pupil size, they focus primarily on perceptual changes associated with changes in light level (Mathot & Van der Stigchel,
2015; Kloosterman et al.,
2015). The goal of the current study is to determine whether similar pupil size changes occur during the presentation of a static stimulus that elicits illusory motion, that is, one outside the domain of conventional pupil reflexes. This can be accomplished using the peripheral drift motion illusion—a physically static image that provokes a strong sensation of motion; as observers move their eyes or blink rapidly, these images viewed peripherally appear to “drift” (hence the name; Faubert & Herbert,
1999; Fraser & Wilcox,
1979). A strong perception of illusory motion is experienced with a form of peripheral drift pattern termed a repeated asymmetric pattern, or RAP (Chi, Lee, Qu, & Wong,
2008), an example of which is shown in
Figure 3.
Our prediction is that the perception of illusory motion will provoke pupillary dilation, and hence that pupil size will increase more when viewing the repeated asymmetric patterns (RAPs) than when viewing the symmetric patterns (SPs). Why? First, because pupil dilation is associated with perceptual content, and surprise (Hossain & Yeasin,
2014). In terms of perceptual content, illusory RAPs (
Figure 3) are both physically static and perceptually dynamic whereas SPs (
Figure 2) are physically and perceptually static. Second, visual illusions are inherently arousing. One study comparing the valence of visual illusions with their nonillusory counterparts found that on scales of aesthetic experience and arousal, participants rated illusions to be more pleasant and arousing than non-illusions (Stevanov, Marković, & Kitaoka,
2012). Notably, one illusion tested in their experiment was the famous rotating snakes illusion that uses RAPs to evoke the perception of illusory motion. Although this study found no differences in the ratings specific to illusory motion versus controls, the authors recommended conducting a study employing a physiological measure that better reflected these affective changes in arousal—the exact purpose of this investigation.
Indeed, pupil size has been shown to be a useful indicator of physiological arousal, with direct connections to the locus coeruleus arousal network (Joshi, Li, Kalwani, & Gold,
2016). For example, both positive and negative pictures have been shown to elicit greater pupillary dilations than neutral pictures (Bradley, Miccoli, Escrig, & Lang,
2008). Importantly, this pattern of dilation covaried with skin conductance changes (as measured by the galvanic skin response), confirming pupillometry as a valid measurement for arousal mediated by the sympathetic nervous system. The data from these converging measures also seemed to indicate that pupillometry has the better temporal sensitivity, though this has yet to be thoroughly tested.
Our aim in using pupillometry to measure the response to illusory motion is to resolve conflicting predictions about motion and symmetry. Real coherent motion elicits pupil constriction (Sahraie & Barbur,
1997), so from this one might expect illusory motion to do the same, yet the surprise and arousal factor associated with illusory phenomena would lead one to expect pupil dilation not constriction. Secondly, a symmetric pattern, having positive valence and producing high arousal (Bertamini, Makin, & Rampone,
2013) and being a preferred pattern (Palmer, Schloss, & Sammartino,
2013), might be expected to elicit greater dilation than our RAPs.
We have therefore measured pupil size in response to peripheral drift illusions of various strengths as well as to symmetric patterns. We predict that the illusory RAPs will elicit a greater dilation than the nonillusory SPs, and that this difference will fade as a function of the decrease in RAP illusion intensity.