Data was collected using the psi-method (Kontsevich & Tyler,
1999), implemented using the Palamedes toolbox (Prins & Kingdom,
2009, available at, and analyzed using a weighted Quick function (Quick,
1974; see equation 3). Observers completed 150 trial blocks at one, two, and three cycles (blocked design) of modulation for each condition. To generate the HTT probability summation prediction for the conditions, we used the formula −1/
β̄, where
β̄ is the average of the parameter
Display Formula\(\beta \) in the Quick function (Quick,
1974) across all numbers of cycles of modulation. The Quick function is defined as
\begin{equation}\tag{3}p\left( A \right) = 1 - {2^{ - \left( {1 + {{\left( {A/{\rm{\alpha }}} \right)}^\beta }} \right)}}{\rm ,}\end{equation}
Display Formula\(p\) is the probability of correct response,
Display Formula\(A\), as defined in
Equations 1 and
Display Formula\({{\alpha }}\) is the threshold at the 75% correct response level; and
Display Formula\(\beta \) controls the slope of the psychometric function. To determine the SDT estimate of probability summation,
d prime (
d′) was estimated using:
\begin{equation}\tag{4}d^{\prime} = {\left( {gA} \right)^\tau }{\rm ,}\end{equation}
Display Formula\(d^{\prime} \) is internal strength of a signal expressed in standard deviations of the internal noise distribution,
Display Formula\(g\) is a scaling factor incorporating the reciprocal of the internal noise standard deviation,
Display Formula\(A\) is the amplitude (stimulus intensity), and
τ is the exponent of the internal transducer (determines the steepness of the function converting increased stimulus intensity to increased perceptual response). The values for
Display Formula\(g\) and
Display Formula\(\tau \) were obtained by inputting observer scores as
Display Formula\(d^{\prime} \) (converted from percentage correct using the function PAL_SDT_2AFC_PCtoDP from the Palamedes toolbox, version 1.8.1; Prins & Kingdom,
2009) at the given amplitude (
Display Formula\(A\)). According to Kingdom, Baldwin, and Schmidtmann (
2015), the estimated percentage correct given by probability summation modeled within the framework of SDT was given by
\begin{equation}\tag{5}Pc = n\mathop \int \nolimits_{ - \infty }^\infty \phi \left( {t - {d^{\prime} }} \right){\rm{\Phi }}{\left( t \right)^{QM - n}}{\rm{\Phi }}{\left( {t - {d^{\prime} }} \right)^{n - 1}}dt \ldots + (Q - n)\mathop \int \nolimits_{ - \infty }^\infty \phi \left( t \right){\rm{\Phi }}{\left( t \right)^{QM - n - 1}}{\rm{\Phi }}{\left( {t - {d^{\prime} }} \right)^n}dt{\rm ,}\end{equation}
Display Formula\(Pc\) is the percentage correct and set at 75%;
Display Formula\(t\) is sample stimulus strength; the heights of the noise and signal distributions at
Display Formula\(t\) are given by
Display Formula\(\phi \left( t \right)\) and
Display Formula\(\phi \left( {t - {d^{\prime} }} \right)\), respectively;
Display Formula\({\rm{\Phi }}(t)\) and
Display Formula\({\rm{\Phi }}(t - d^{\prime} )\) are the areas under the noise and signal distributions below the criterion
Display Formula\(t\);
Display Formula\(Q\) is the number of monitored channels;
Display Formula\(M\) is the number of alternatives in the forced choice task; and
Display Formula\(n\) is the number of stimulus components. This equation is also implemented in the Palamedes toolbox using the function PAL_SDT_PS_PCtoSL (Prins & Kingdom,