As in
Experiment 1, two scorers evaluated each drawing in regard to the seven element error types and target-flanker substitutions. The element errors were rated individually for each position (Flanker 1, Target, Flanker 2). Interscorer agreement was substantial. The average kappa for the seven element error types was 0.77 (Omission: 0.70, Rotation: 0.70, Translation: 0.70, Addition: 0.74, Truncation: 0.79, Extension: 0.85, Distortion: 0.89).
The element error distributions of the seven error types for targets and flankers are shown in
Figure 5. After subtracting the baseline error rates from the flanked target error rates for each error type, we conducted a repeated-measures ANOVA with the two factors Error Type and Eccentricity. Sphericity was tested with Mauchly's sphericity test; Greenhouse-Geyser or Huynh-Feldt corrections were applied when required. Flanker errors were not included in the analysis because baselines were only measured at the two target locations. The results showed that there were differences between the target error rates,
F(6, 18) = 4.59,
p < 0.01,
ηp2=0.61. There was no effect of Eccentricity,
F(1, 3) = 0.21,
p = 0.68,
ηp2 = 0.06 (Greenhouse-Geisser corrected). However, we found a significant interaction between Error Type and Eccentricity,
F(6, 18) = 4.35,
p < 0.01,
ηp2 = 0.59. Next, we used Tukey tests for pairwise comparisons to compare each two error types within each of the two eccentricity conditions, and calculated effect sizes (Cohen's
Figure 6) for comparisons between each two error types. Comparisons within error classes showed that at 12° eccentricity, the Omission error rate was higher than the Addition error rate (
p < 0.01). The other comparisons within error classes did not reach significance; however, there were trends for a higher Omission than Addition error rate at 6°, and a higher Truncation than Extension error rate at 12° eccentricity. Comparisons across error classes revealed that at 12° eccentricity, the Omission error rate was higher than the error rates of all other error types (Extension, Translation, Distortion:
p < 0.01; Addition and Rotation:
p < 0.05), except for Truncation errors. Whereas the remaining comparisons at 12° did not show any differences, there were strong trends for a higher Truncation error rate compared to the Distortion and Translation error rates. At 6° eccentricity, the Omission error rate was higher than the Truncation (
p < 0.05) and the Extension (
p < 0.01) error rates. There was also a trend for a higher Omission error rate compared to the Addition and Distortion error rates (see also
Figure 6).
As in
Experiment 1, the target's Omission error rate was high. To test how far feature migration to the flankers might underlie this result, we asked again if missing target elements were balanced by added flanker elements. In 31.7% of the cases, target Omissions were balanced by flanker Additions (10.7% in Flanker 1, 18.3% in Flanker 2, and 2.7% by both flankers). Omissions of flanker elements, on the other hand, were balanced by added target elements in only 14.9% (5.9% in each flanker, and 3.0% in both flankers). Addition errors were balanced in 57.4% (17.8% Flanker 1, 14.9% Flanker 2, 24.8% both flankers) when occurring in the target and 41.6% (17.9% Flanker 1, 22.6% Flanker 2, 1.1% both flankers) when occurring in the flankers.
To explore if the element error rates differed between Flanker 1, the Target, and Flanker 2, we compared the error rates of the three items using the original, not baseline-corrected values (because no baselines were measured at the flanker locations). The data were analyzed with a two-way MANOVA with the factors Item Position (flanker 1, target, and flanker 2) and Eccentricity (6° and 12°), and the seven Error Types as dependent variables. The MANOVA showed that the error rates differed between the three items (main effect of Item Position; F(14, 26) = 3.56, p < 0.005, ηp2 = 0.66. Follow-up ANOVAs for each error type showed Item Position differences for Truncation: F(2, 18) = 11.31, p < 0.005; Extension: F(2, 18) = 4.02, p < 0.05, Translation: F(2, 18) = 9.40, p < 0.005; and Shape errors: F(2, 18) = 8.11, p < 0.005. Comparisons of the three items for each of these error types using Tukey tests revealed that the target had a higher Truncation error rate (both p < 0.005) and a lower Distortion error rate than each of the two flankers (Flanker 1: p < 0.05, Flanker 2: p < 0.005). Flanker 2 had a higher Extension error rate than Flanker 1 (p < 0.05), and a higher Translation error rate than Flanker 1 and the target (both p < 0.005). The MANOVA also showed a significant effect of Eccentricity, with higher error rates at 12° compared to 6°, F(7, 12) = 7.16, p < 0.005, ηp2=0.81. Subsequent separate ANOVAs for each error type revealed that errors at 12° were higher compared to 6° eccentricity: Omission, F(1, 18) = 18.20, p < 0.001; Addition, F(1, 18) = 10.37, p < 0.01; Truncation, F(1, 18) = 31.30, p < 0.001; Translation, F(1, 18) = 13.20, p < 0.005; and Rotation, F(1, 18) = 31.30, p < 0.001. There was no interaction between Item Position and Eccentricity, F(14, 26) = 1.61, p = 0.144, ηp2 = 0.46.
Besides element errors, we evaluated target-flanker substitutions. Almost no complete target-flanker substitutions were observed. The average substitution error rate was 0.04. Hence, as in
Experiment 1, substitution of entire items did not play a role in
Experiment 2.
The results of
Experiment 2 showed clear differences between error types and a similar pattern of results as in
Experiment 1. In particular, the higher Omission compared to Addition error rate shows that observers tended to perceive less elements, indicating that target diminishment played a key role. The trend for higher Truncation than Extension error rates at 12° eccentricity, i.e., when crowding was strong, supports the notion of target diminishment. The comparisons across error classes at 12° eccentricity highlighted the prominence of Omission errors which were more frequent than all other error types (see also
Figure 6).
Interestingly, as about 1/3 of target element Omissions were balanced by flanker element Additions, a comparatively large part of Omission errors could be due to feature migration from the target to the flankers. Migration from the flankers to the target, however, was less likely. As expected, the low number of Addition errors was frequently balanced by Omissions, especially in the target. Except for the balancing of Addition errors in the target, the majority of Omission and Addition errors, however, were not balanced, indicating that even though feature migration could have played a role, it cannot underlie most Omission and Addition errors. In general, the higher level of balancing of Addition errors compared to Omission errors highlights the prominence of Omissions because a larger number of Addition errors could be due to feature migration. The rather high balancing rates compared to
Experiment 1 were possibly observed because flankers were not fixed to one of two types but varied strongly.
Not only the target but also the flankers were subject to crowding. Comparing the (not normalised) error rates at the three locations revealed some differences between the items. We expected that target error rates would be higher than flanker error rates as the target was flanked on both sides whereas the two flankers were only flanked on one side. However, this was only the case for Truncation errors (and the opposite for Distortions), and overall the error rates were similar for the three items. Importantly, not only the number of adjacent items (2 for the target, 1 for each flanker), but also the location of the items (inward, outward, or both), and the eccentricity differed between the items. Hence, the observed differences are due to a combination of (at least) three variables, and cannot be conclusively disentangled. The higher Extension and Translation error rates of Flanker 2, however, may well be due to its location farther in the periphery.
Comparing the two eccentricity conditions revealed higher error rates at 12° than 6° eccentricity, but no difference when the normalized data was compared. Because of the relatively small dynamic error range, the different baselines in the two eccentricity conditions could have obscured the effect with normalized data. As there was a fixed order of eccentricities (first 12° then 6°), however, the two Eccentricity conditions are not independent, and were mainly compared for explorative reasons.
In contrast to
Experiment 1 where only two different flanker types were presented, the flankers were different in each stimulus in
Experiment 2. Similar element error distributions in
Experiment 1 and
2, including the predominance of Omission errors, show that flanker familiarity did not strongly influence error rates. While flanker familiarity could have also caused the lack of substitution errors in
Experiment 1, the equally low substitution error rate in
Experiment 2 suggests that flanker familiarity does not account for the lack of substitution errors. Rather, we suggest that multiple views of the same stimulus during a single trial might underlie the low substitution rates (what needs to be validated by future studies).