In sum, our findings provide evidence that successful learning of complex structures relies on extracting behaviorally relevant statistics that are predictive of upcoming events. This learning of predictive structures relates to individual decision strategy: Faster learning of complex structures relates to selecting the most probable outcomes in a given context rather than learning the exact sequence statistics, providing evidence for an alternate route to learning. In future work, it would be interesting to investigate whether these strategies are specific to the sensory input modality or mediate domain-general learning of temporal structure (Nastase, Iacovella, & Hasson,
2014). Recent work has provided evidence for statistical learning within and across different sensory modalities (vision, audition, touch; Conway & Christiansen,
2005; Mitchel & Weiss,
2011), suggesting that statistical learning is implemented by domain-general principles that are subject to modality-specific constraints (Frost, Armstrong, Siegelman, & Christiansen,
2015). For example, in vision statistical learning has been mainly demonstrated by extracting spatial relations, while in audition by extracting temporal regularities. Learning predictive statistics across modalities is critical not only for sensorimotor interactions with the environment but also higher cognitive functions that involve complex structures, such as action organization, music comprehension, and language learning (Conway & Christiansen,
2001; Dehaene et al.,
2015; Fitch & Martins,
2014; Frost et al.,
2015). Finally, it would be interesting to investigate the developmental time course of learning predictive statistics. Previous work has provided evidence for statistical learning from infancy to older age (for a review, see Krogh, Vlach, & Johnson,
2012) in both vision (e.g., Bulf, Johnson, & Valenza,
2011; Fiser & Aslin,
2002b; Kirkham, Slemmer, & Johnson,
2002; Kirkham, Slemmer, Richardson, & Johnson,
2007) and audition (e.g., Pelucchi, Hay, & Saffran,
2009; Saffran et al.,
1999; Saffran, Aslin, & Newport,
1996; Saffran, Newport, & Aslin,
1996). Further, it has been suggested that while learning probabilities is achieved early in life, learning meaningful statistical patterns develops later in adolescence (Amso & Davidow,
2012; Janacsek, Fiser, & Nemeth,
2012). This may relate to the suggestion that young children maximize, while matching develops later in life (Kam & Newport,
2009; Stevenson & Weir,
1959; Weir,
1964). Future work on the brain mechanisms of learning predictive statistics may explore the development of common brain routes to structure learning across domains of perceptual and cognitive expertise.