Finally, our results might help to uncover the neural basis of transsaccadic integration. One potential mechanism supporting transsaccadic integration is predictive remapping (for reviews, see Melcher & Colby,
2008; Higgins & Rayner,
2015), a phenomenon where neurons show presaccadic activity in response to visual stimuli that will be in their receptive field only after the saccade (Duhamel, Colby, & Goldberg,
1992). Predictive remapping is considered an important feature of the brain to gain perceptual stability across eye movements (for a review, see Hall & Colby,
2011). Neurons with predictive remapping were first identified in the lateral intraparietal area (Duhamel et al.,
1992) and are also present in several visual areas (Nakamura & Colby,
2002; Merriam, Genovese, & Colby,
2007). However, they seem to be more prevalent in higher areas of visual processing such as V3 and V4 than in lower processing areas such as V1 and V2. Further evidence for a crucial contribution of parietal cortex comes from a study documenting impairments in transsaccadic memory due to transcranial magnetic stimulation over parietal cortex (Prime, Vesia, & Crawford,
2008). Interestingly, the parietal cortex (Harvey, Klein, Petridou, & Dumoulin,
2013)—especially the lateral intraparietal area (Roitman, Brannon, & Platt,
2007)—is also involved in the processing of number (for reviews, see Nieder & Dehaene,
2009; Piazza & Izard,
2009). Our finding that the transsaccadic integration of numerosity was not affected by changes in low-level features matches nicely with the encoding of numerosity in parietal cortex that shows a higher prevalence of remapping responses than early visual areas. Robust estimation of numerosity despite differences in stimulus properties is also a hallmark of the number sense (Nieder & Miller,
2004), indicating that numerosity can be perceived irrespective of the transient disruptions in visual processing caused by saccadic eye movements.