Although studies argue that visual coding is purely retinotopic (Gardner, Merriam, Movshon, & Heeger,
2008; Golomb & Kanwisher,
2012a), spatiotopic adaptation at different visual areas has repeatedly been demonstrated in classical feature-selective adaptation paradigms (Melcher,
2007; Zimmermann et al.,
2016). Lower level contrast and contour-orientation processing mechanisms in early stages like V1 exhibit fully retinotopic reference frames (Bao & Engel,
2012; Dekel & Sagi,
2015; Dickinson & Badcock,
2013; Wilkinson, Wilson, & Habak,
1998; Zhao, Seriès, Hancock, & Bednar,
2011). Electrophysiological and imaging studies have confirmed behavioral evidence on spatiotopic coding through receptive-field remapping in visual areas such as V2, V3, and V4 (Melcher,
2005; Nakamura & Colby,
2002; Zimmermann et al.,
2016). These areas are well suited to encode intermediate shape information, such as orientation, aspect ratio, symmetry, and angle (Boynton & Hegdé,
2004; Gegenfurtner, Kiper, & Levitt,
1997; Hegdé & Van Essen,
2000; Ito & Komatsu,
2004; Laursen & Rasmussen,
1975; Loffler,
2008; Regan & Hamstra,
1992; Suzuki & Cavanagh,
1998; Wilson & Wilkinson,
2002; Zimmermann et al.,
2016). Moreover, motion-processing neural mechanisms in MT+ exhibit pure spatiotopic receptive fields (Melcher & Morrone,
2003; Wexler et al.,
2001). Their possible interactions with form-processing mechanisms could contribute to the measured spatiotopic aftereffects (Pavan, Marotti, & Mather,