Our results reveal a dissociation between the effects of adaptation on spatial appearance and discriminability. Adapting to a random dot texture in the region surrounding a set of dot pairs induces a spatial compression effect, wherein the dot pairs appear shifted inward toward each other, reducing perceived size. However, this reduction in apparent separation between central and flanking dot pairs does not affect crowding, as measured with orientation discrimination.
The spatial compression effect we observe shares similarities with previous research on artificial scotomas (Kapadia, Gilbert, & Westheimer,
1994; Tailby & Metha,
2004). In these studies, observers were exposed to large field, dynamic texture stimuli except for a small uniform spatial region (the scotoma). Following short periods of exposure, observers judged the location of the midpoint between two bars as being biased toward the center of the scotoma and locations near the edge of the scotoma producing the largest shifts in spatial position, consistent with a graded apparent spatial compression. A complication for this approach is that prolonged exposure of artificial scotoma stimuli typically leads to perceptual filling-in, making it difficult to disassociate the effects of adaptation from surface interpolation processes. It is important to note that our use of a narrow annular adapting stimulus precludes this issue—none of the observers in the present study reported perceptual filling in of the annulus in any condition.
The changes in perceived position following exposure to artificial scotomas have been linked to changes in neuronal responses in early visual areas. The response gain and receptive field size of V1 neurons with receptive fields positioned inside the scotoma have been shown to increase (DeAngelis, Anzai, Ohzawa, & Freeman,
1995; Pettet & Gilbert,
1992), potentially reflecting a release from surround suppression (Cavanaugh et al.,
2002; Tailby & Metha,
2004). Kapadia et al. (
1994) suggest that the increase in receptive field size within the artificial scotoma would have the result that the mean location of active cell receptive fields would be shifted away from its edge. However, this explanation rests on the idea that position is coded by the location of mean activity in a labeled line representation of spatial position, which is undermined by the many examples of motion-induced shifts in apparent location.
The spatial compression effect we report is also similar to that previously described by Hisakata et al. (
2016). In their original study, adaptation to an array of dots resulted in two dots presented subsequently in the adapted field to appear closer together. Hisakata and colleagues (
2016) attribute their effects to changes in an internal spatial metric, against which judgments of local distance and size are made. However, in their experiments, the test patterns were located in the adapted area, were accompanied by a reduction in perceived texture density, and could occur in the absence of a contextual figural aftereffect. At present, it is difficult to know exactly what process (or combination of processes) underlies the spatial compression observed in the current study. That said, it is clear that this form of spatial distortion is not associated with an increase in crowding.
While all observers in the present study showed a robust spatial compression effect, we found individual differences in the magnitude of the effect and how it varied with stimulus size. For some individuals, the compression approximated a consistent percentage of stimulus size, while others showed a relatively stable absolute reduction in perceived size. In principle, this difference could arise from the adoption of different strategies when judging the size of the stimulus. Hisakata et al. (
2016) found that adaptation could introduce an apparent reduction in the size of a Gabor envelope without a concomitant change in the spatial frequency of the carrier. This demonstrates that changes in the scale of global and local aspects of a spatial pattern need not be consistent. If some observers in the present study focused on the local changes in size (i.e., dot separation within each dipole), as opposed to the overall global change in size of the stimulus, this could result in a constant size reduction irrespective of center-flanker distance. Individual differences in overall effect magnitude are comparable to other size related distortions of visual space such as the Ebbinghaus and Ponzo illusions (Grzeczkowski, Clarke, Francis, Mast, & Herzog,
2017; Schwarzkopf & Rees,
2013; Schwarzkopf, Song, & Rees,
In this paper, we tested to see if orientation crowding is affected by adaptation-induced spatial compression. Our results showed the magnitude of crowding was consistent with the physical but not the perceived location of the flankers. In an additional control experiment, we discounted the possibility that the adapting stimulus produced a uniform scaling of the stimulus, which altered the magnitude of crowding. However, an additional possibility is that the adapting stimulus did not shift the position of all the flankers by a constant magnitude. Crowding is stronger when flankers are aligned horizontally with respect to the target as opposed to vertically (Feng, Jiang, & He,
2007). If the compression of visual space is asymmetric, crowding may remain unchanged even though judgments of overall size are reduced. However, this seems unlikely given observers reported no noticeable change in the shape of the stimulus following adaptation; instead, the adapted stimulus appeared to retain its circular shape, but seemed reduced in size.
Our results contrast with previous studies that have exploited motion-based position shifts to alter apparent stimulus position, where crowding has been shown to vary in accordance with perceived target-flanker separation (Dakin et al.,
2011; Maus et al.,
2011). This clear difference implies that motion and figural adaptation alter perceived space in fundamentally different ways. One possible reason motion-induced position shifts resulted in altered orientation discrimination thresholds is that they occur at different stages of processing, seemingly with the motion-induced position shift occurring prior to crowding. It is difficult to conclude with any certainty if this is true given the neural locus of crowding itself is a matter of debate. However, it might be argued that judging the orientation of a Gabor patch, a conceivably low-level task, would induce crowding at the early stages of visual processing such as V1 (Millin, Arman, Chung, & Tjan,
2014; Whitney & Levi,
2011), while the motion-induced position shift is associated with higher-level processing in MT (Mather & Pavan,
2009; McGraw, Walsh, & Barrett,
2004). Alternatively, since grouping processes can influence spatial discrimination (Herzog & Manassi,
2015), it is possible that the motion manipulation not only shifts apparent location but also influences grouping. Motion away from the target may degrade the grouping of flankers and target and motion towards the target may increase it. The global spatial compression studied here does not appear to alter the tendency to group targets and distractors.
The more general question of whether the appearance of a stimulus should be associated with visual performance is a longstanding question that dates back to the beginnings of psychophysical research (Fechner,
1860/1966; Ross & Wade,
2010). Initially it may seem intuitive to assume visual performance should follow the perceived properties of the stimulus as though they were physically manipulated, but on closer inspection, this relationship is not trivial. For performance to follow the perceived representation of the stimulus, the ability to perform a task needs to depend on the subjective percept rather than the physical properties of the stimulus. It is clear that performance does not invariably depend upon appearance. Perceptual bias need not affect visual sensitivity, for example geometric illusions, such as the Muller-Lyer and Poggendorff, induce a perceptual bias without a paralleled change in the precision of the representation (Morgan, Hole, & Glennerster,
1990; Tibber, Melmoth, & Morgan,
2008). Solomon and Morgan (
2009) make the important point that while concomitant changes in sensitivity can be observed when the perception of a stimulus is distorted, the change in sensitivity may not entirely be due to the distorted perception. The results from the current study further demonstrate that it may not be safe to assume that the perceived properties of a stimulus affect performance in the same way as if they were physically manipulated.