To compare the waveforms between different experimental conditions, we projected the sensor data averaged across all the trials within each condition onto the first three spatial filters maximizing reliability over the separate 2D, 3D, or scrambled trials. Differences between the resulting waveforms were identified by a permutation test devised by Blair and Karniski (
1993) and described in detail in Appelbaum, Wade, Vildavski, Pettet, and Norcia (
2006). Specifically, to determine at which time points the RC amplitudes differ between 2D and 3D scenes, the differences between 2D and 3D were calculated for each subject at each time point, resulting in a m × n difference matrix
YΔ, where m is the number of time points and n is the number of subjects. The mean and variance across subjects are denoted as
μΔ and
Display Formula\({\bf{\sigma }}_\Delta ^2\). Then, a vector of t scores was obtained through the following statistic:
\begin{equation}{\rm{t}} = {{\mu _\Delta } \over {\sqrt {{{{\bf{\sigma }}_\Delta ^2} \over {n - 1}}} }}\end{equation}
From the above vector, we determined the longest consecutive sequence of t scores having a
p value <0.05, and this longest sequence is denoted as t
L. If there are no differences between the experimental conditions, then the sign of the difference between 2D and 3D at each time point would be positive or negative in a random fashion. Therefore, we can simulate the distribution of the difference matrix under the null hypothesis by randomly permuting the signs of the columns of
YΔ. Considering 10,000 permutations of signs for the columns
YΔ, we accumulate a permutation sample space of
Display Formula\({\bf{Y}}_\Delta ^*\) and a nonparametric reference distribution for
Display Formula\({\bf{t}}_L^*\). The critical value
Display Formula\({{\rm{t}}_C}\) is then determined by the top 5% cutoff in the reference distribution of
Display Formula\({\bf{t}}_L^*\). We reject the null hypothesis if the length of any consecutive sequence of significant t scores in the original, nonrandomized data exceeded t
C (Appelbaum et al.,
2006). Because each permutation sample contributes only its longest significant sequence to the reference distribution, this procedure implicitly compensates for the problem of multiple comparisons and is a valid test for the omnibus hypothesis of no difference between the waveforms at any time point. Furthermore, this test not only detects significant departures from the null hypothesis but also localizes the time periods when such departures occur. However, because the correction procedure is tied to the length of the data and the somewhat arbitrary choice of keeping familywise error at 5%, we therefore also present the uncorrected significance values visualized as red to yellow color maps in the figures. By evaluating the data using both statistical approaches, we are better able to identify time periods when the responses depart from the null hypothesis.