As noted in the
Introduction, sizable binocular summation for perception has been observed only at very low contrasts, at or just above threshold. Binocular summation is thus quite different for perception and OFRs, adding it to the list of phenomena that exhibit different properties when evaluated using perception and eye movements (Bostrom & Warzecha,
2010; Simoncini, Perrinet, Montagnini, Mamassian, & Masson,
2012; Blum & Price,
2014; Glasser & Tadin,
2014; Price & Blum,
2014; Quaia et al.,
2016). It is generally difficult to pinpoint the source of such differences, especially when perception and eye movements are measured using stimuli that differ in their spatiotemporal content. However, by directly comparing OFRs to monocular and binocular stimuli having identical perceived contrast (
Figure 2), we ruled out this source of uncertainty. A possible explanation for this large difference is that OFRs might rely only on a small subset of V1 neurons, which might not be representative of the neurons involved in perception. First, only direction-selective (DS) neurons, which are approximately 20% of all V1 neurons (De Valois, Yund, & Hepler,
1982; Orban, Kennedy, & Bullier,
1986; Hawken, Parker, & Lund,
1988; Gur, Kagan, & Snodderly,
2005), can contribute to a directional response. Second, the OFR is tuned to low spatial frequencies and high temporal frequencies (i.e., high speeds), which strongly activate only a subset of DS neurons in V1 (mostly part of the magnocellular pathway). Finally, our results with noise stimuli indicate that OFRs might be dominated by neurons tuned to zero or near-zero disparity, again a subset of V1 neurons. This might explain why recording methods that are sensitive to the pooled activity of large populations of V1 neurons, such as fMRI (Moradi & Heeger,
2009) and EEG (Baker & Wade,
2017), find limited binocular summation, more in line with perceptual reports than with OFRs. Both these measures and perceptual contrast judgments might be dominated by parvocellular signals, with little regard for direction selectivity, speed preference, and preferred disparity. This is sensible, since it is reasonable to expect that, when carrying out perceptual contrast matching, a subject would rely mostly on parvocellular neurons, which encode contrast linearly, instead of magnocellular signals, which quickly saturate with contrast (Derrington & Lennie,
1984; Kaplan & Shapley,
1986; Sclar et al.,
1990; Usrey & Reid,
2000; Alitto et al.,
2011). OFRs instead are known to be mediated by neurons in areas MT and MST (Takemura et al.,
2007; Masson & Perrinet,
2012), whose activity is in turn determined mostly by magnocellular LGN neurons (Maunsell, Nealey, & DePriest,
1990), and accordingly saturate quickly with contrast.