We experience that visual perception is continuous, contradicting the disruptions of visual processing due to eye-movements (saccades). This lack of insight into the disruptive nature of saccades (Burr, Morrone, & Ross,
1994; Deubel, Schneider, & Bridgeman,
1996; Matin,
1974), allowing us to perceive the visual world as a continuous whole rather than disparate snapshots, is one of the more complex qualities of the visual system. One of the proposed mechanisms to bridge the gap in visual processing before and after a saccade is transsaccadic feature integration (Herwig,
2015). Transsaccadic feature integration involves storing retinal input of the saccade target before the saccade and
combining the stored presaccadic information with the retinal image after the saccade (Ganmor, Landy, & Simoncelli,
2015; Oostwoud Wijdenes, Marshall, & Bays,
Van der Stigchel & Hollingworth, in press; Wolf & Schütz,
2015). Combining visual feature estimates in this manner allows for more reliable estimates of visual input than when only viewed before or after the saccade, and for presaccadic perception to influence postsaccadic perception. However, the influence of presaccadic perception on postsaccadic feature perception experiments is quite small (Ganmor et al.,
2015; Wolf & Schütz,
2015). This limited usefulness of transsaccadic feature integration has led to contentiousness about the nature of such a process. For instance, both behavioral and neurophysiological studies range from evidence in favor of feature integration (e.g., He, Mo, & Fang,
2017; Wittenberg, Bremmer, & Wachtler,
2008), evidence for very limited feature integration (e.g., Subramanian & Colby,
2014), and evidence against transsaccadic feature integration (e.g., Jonides, Irwin, & Yantis,
1983; Morris et al.,
2010). Proponents of feature integration have suggested that visual continuity may be the product of a match (or lack of conflict) between pre- and postsaccadic retinal input, allowing the visual system to assume that information was present continuously (Herwig,
2015). Although this seems like an elegant solution of how the visual system may establish perceptual continuity across saccades, little is known about how and whether transsaccadic feature integration is affected by the parameters of a saccade. As of yet, no consensus exists whether transsaccadic feature integration is a higher-order process (Hübner & Schütz,
2017) or a lower order visual process (Paeye, Collins, & Cavanagh,
2017). Therefore, we chose to approach the topic of transsaccadic feature integration in a different manner, to constrain the possible underlying processes. We expect that, if transsaccadic integration is a process that occurs later in the visual processing stream, transsaccadic integration is saccade landing point invariant, as earlier visual processing areas show a smaller receptive field size, on average (Smith, Singh, Williams, & Greenlee,