One way to approach the question of whether VSTM capacity is quantized is to test the effect of set size on precision, using the delayed-estimation paradigm. Zhang and Luck (
2008) found that while recall probability decreased as set size increased, precision decreased between set sizes 1 and 3 but then reached a plateau for set sizes exceeding
K. Their model suggests that there is a fixed upper limit of slots (
K), and that when fewer than
K items are to be remembered, one item can be represented in several slots (i.e., receive several capacity quanta, a model they named “slots + averaging”; see also Zhang & Luck,
2011). On the other hand, Bays and Husain (
2008) found a decrease in precision as set size increased, with a large decline in precision between set sizes of 1 and 2. In addition, in that experiment there was no major decline in precision following the
K limit of four items. Thus, Bays and Husain's results are more in line with the notion of a shared resource. According to Bays, Catalao, and Husain (
2009), the discrepancy between Zhang and Luck's results and those of Bays and Husain stems from a misinterpretation of swap errors as random noise in Zhang and Luck's analysis. Conversely, according to Cowan and Rouder (
2009), Zhang and Luck's model has a similar (and even slightly better) fit to Bays and Husain's data compared to the fit of a resource model. Recently, Adam, Vogel, and Awh (
2017) asked participants to reproduce all memory items, and found that precision decreased systematically within a trial (i.e., the most precise representations were reported first). When set size was supracapacity (6), participants' responses were best fit by a model assuming that three responses were based on guesses. The researchers interpreted this result as indicating that only three items can be maintained in VSTM, supporting discrete-capacity models (but for a criticism of this conclusion, see Bays,
2018). On the other hand, Bays (
2018) examined whether the set size at which precision and recall probability plateau coincide. Contrary to predictions of discrete-capacity models, these two capacity estimations were not correlated across several studies, raising a new challenge for this class of models. At any rate, this discussion should be conducted while taking into account that the usefulness of plateau statistics in model comparison has been questioned by van den Berg and Ma (
2014), who argued that plateau statistics are highly unreliable.