We conducted a functional connectivity analysis based on the resting-state data of the first 20 subjects in the publicly available WU-Minn Human Connectome Project (
http://humanconnectome.org) Q2 dataset release (van Essen et al.,
2012). We performed this analysis twice, the second time using resting-state fMRI data of the same database acquired on a different day in the same subjects. These resting-state data have been preprocessed as detailed in Smith et al. (
2013), which included corrections for spatial distortions and head motion, registration to the T1w structural image, resampling to 2 mm MNI space, global intensity normalization, high-pass filtering with a cut-off at 2000 s, and the FIX artifact removal procedure (Griffanti et al.,
2014; Salimi-Khorshidi et al.,
2014). For this work, we additionally smoothed the images using a 6 mm FWHM Gaussian kernel, applied a 100 s cut-off high-pass filter, and also removed the mean ventricular and white-matter signal from the time-series data. After normalizing the time-series of each voxel to zero mean and unit variance, the data were concatenated, resulting in two 30-min functional scans per subject. Next, we defined three spherical seed regions of 10 mm diameter. The first seed was centered at MNI coordinates (
x = 8/−8,
y = −96,
z = 14) corresponding to visual area V2d. The second seed was centered at MNI coordinates (
x = 8/−8,
y = −76,
z = 24) abutting the parietal occipital sulcus (POS), corresponding to visual area V2A. The third seed was centered at MNI coordinates (
x = 10/−8,
y = −82,
z = 36) abutting the POS, corresponding to visual area V6. For each session separately, we then calculated the unique functional connectivity of each seed region using the FSL's sbca tool (O'Reilly, Beckmann, Tomassini, Ramnani, & Johansen-Berg,
2010). As such, the first eigenvariate of the time-series in each seed region was correlated with the voxel-wise time-series in the rest of the brain, controlled for the eigenvariate of the time-series in the other seeds (i.e., by regressing out the eigenvariate time-series of the remaining two seed regions from the first and the rest of cortex). The ensuing subject-level partial correlation maps were subsequently Fisher
z-transformed and subjected to a one-sample permutation
t test with threshold-free cluster enhancement (TFCE; Smith & Nichols,
2009) using FSL's randomize tool (5000 permutations) to characterize the connectivity maps of each seed region in terms of maps of the ensuing voxel-wise
t statistics. These maps were subsequently thresholded at a significance level of
p < 0.05 (FWE corrected).