The current research provides empirical evidence that the suppression of neural activity in human V1 mediates the effects of context on orientation perception. We build on evidence from human psychophysics and computational neuroscience for a shared mechanism underlying these effects in both the spatial and temporal domain (Chen, Chen, Gao, Yang, & Yan,
2015; Clifford,
2014; Clifford et al.,
2000; Gibson & Radner,
1937; Schwartz et al.,
2007; Schwartz et al.,
2009; Wenderoth & Johnstone,
1987). Inhibition between orientation selective cortical neurons has been suggested to underlie both the tilt illusion and tilt aftereffect, with the inhibition being tonic to account for the tilt aftereffect (Wenderoth & Johnstone,
1988a). Our data provide evidence in support of this. However, it should be noted that the BOLD signal is a proxy for neuronal activity and thus should be interpreted with caution. That is, BOLD suppression in a brain region could result from a number of sources including lateral inhibition, feedback, or a combination of the two. Moreover, it is possible that the tilt illusion and tilt aftereffect rely on distinct neural mechanisms that are indistinguishable with fMRI. Indeed, the tilt illusion might recruit GABA (γ-Aminobutyric acid) mediated lateral inhibition, while the tilt aftereffect might result from synaptic depression or fatigue of excitatory neurons due to changes in ion channel dynamics (e.g., Carandini, Heeger, & Movshon,
1997; Carandini, Movshon, & Ferster,
1998; McLean & Palmer,
1996; Shepherd,
2001; Ursino, Magosso, & Cuppini,
2008). In both cases, suppression of the BOLD response would be observed. Moreover, GABA agonists have been reported to affect the tilt illusion and tilt aftereffect differently (Gelbtuch, Calvert, Harris, & Phillipson,
1986). Thus, future research to examine the role of V1 GABA in human V1 will provide important insight into the relationship between neural and perceptual processing of oriented contextual stimuli.