Unlike in physics, light in space and the visual perception of its properties have not been intensively studied in psychophysics (Schirillo,
2013). Koenderink, Pont, van Doorn, Kappers, and Todd (
2007) introduced a light probe to measure light perception. They placed a gauge object into a scene and asked observers to adjust the appearance of the probe such that it visually fit into the scene. Ever since then, progress has been made in measuring how humans estimate illumination properties, such as the relative intensity, direction, diffuseness, and color (Kartashova, de Ridder, te Pas, Schoemaker, & Pont,
2015; Kartashova, Sekulovski, de Ridder, te Pas, & Pont,
2016; Koenderink et al.,
2007; Morgenstern et al.,
2011; Toscani, Gegenfurtner, & Doerschner,
2017; Xia, Pont, & Heynderickx,
2014). Another approach is to use images of shaded objects as stimuli to investigate the perception of illumination properties, such as direction and diffuseness (Morgenstern, Geisler, & Murray,
2015; Pont & Koenderink,
2007; Xia et al.,
2014), position of the light source (Schütt, Baier, & Fleming,
2016), complex 2-D light fields (van Doorn, Koenderink, & Wagemans,
2011), and complex natural 3-D light fields (Kartashova et al.,
2016). Numerous studies implemented variation of illumination for measuring shape or material perception (e.g., Doerschner, Boyaci, & Maloney,
2010; Dror, Willsky, & Adelson,
2004; Fleming, Dror, & Adelson,
2003; Ho, Landy, & Maloney,
2008; M. Kim, Wilcox, & Murray,
2016; Marlow, Kim, & Anderson,
2012; Motoyoshi & Matoba
2012; Olkkonen & Brainard,
2010; Pont & te Pas,
2006; Wijntjes & Pont,
2010; Zhang et al.,
2015) and found out that illumination influenced the judgments of shape and materials. Yet whether or not observers could perceive the changes of illumination remained unknown. In addition, the lightings involved in the abovementioned studies were mostly arbitrary complex natural luminance maps.