Based on the pattern of results from previous studies (Kiss et al.,
2009; Raymond & O'Brien,
2009; Kristjánsson et al.,
2010; Lee & Shomstein,
2014), one might infer that reward and physical salience independently contribute to attentional priority when the rewarded item contained the target. However, we note that physical salience was not directly manipulated in these studies. Our study directly tested this inference and showed comparable effect of reward on target selection at both high and low levels of physical salience. These results also demonstrated the effectiveness of reward-motion association at both levels of physical salience, ruling out the possibility that features with low physical salience lack the ability to gain reward association during training in the current study (c.f., Wang, Yu, & Zhao,
2013). Different from previous studies, we found an interaction of reward and physical salience when the rewarded item was the distractor. On the one hand, our finding that reward-associated, physically salient distractor competed for priority even when top-down attention was directed to another feature, is consistent with previous findings that reward-associated distractor can break into the focus of spatial attention (Munneke, Belopolsky, & Theeuwes,
2016; Wang, Li, Zhou, & Theeuwes,
2018). On the other hand, the absence of reward effect when the distractor was of low physical salience is in apparent contradiction to previous findings that have shown spatial capture effects by reward-associated distractors regardless of physical salience (Hickey et al.,
2010; Anderson et al.,
2011b; Failing et al.,
2015; Le Pelley et al.,
2015). We believe there are three potential explanations for this apparent discrepancy. First, while previous studies mostly focused on how reward shapes spatial attention, our study emphasized how well the reward-associated feature was processed without spatial selection. The control of spatial attention might rely on different mechanisms than those for feature-based attention (Giesbrecht, Woldorff, Song, & Mangun,
2003; Greenberg, Esterman, Wilson, Serences, & Yantis,
2010; Liu & Hou,
2013). Second and related, the reward-driven attentional capture effects were generally found in singleton search task (e.g., search for a unique shape while reward-associated color served as distractors), in which participants likely adopted a search strategy that relies on the feature-level contrast among stimuli (i.e., singleton search mode). Thus, a task that requires attention to a specific feature value (i.e., feature search mode) may change the interaction between reward and physical salience, as different search modes are known to differentially modulate the influence of physical salience (Bacon & Egeth,
1994; Lamy & Egeth,
2003). Although our experiments were not designed to manipulate search modes, our task shares some formal similarity with the feature-search mode in that it required participants to select a specific feature (either coherent or random motion). Third, the manipulation of physical salience by means of feature singleton (e.g., diamond among circles) was only qualitative, which did not permit systematic examination of the effects of reward and physical salience. Thus, it is possible that more quantitative measurements would also reveal differential interactions effects between reward and physical salience in paradigms eliciting spatial capture.