We assumed that the orientations and sizes of detection ellipses were given by an energy calculation on the outputs of two linear detection mechanisms (Stockman & Brainard,
2010). Noise masking reveals more than two detection mechanisms in the LM plane (Hansen & Gegenfurtner,
2013; Shepard, Swanson, McCarthy, & Eskew,
2016), but two mechanisms dominate under the conditions of our experiment (Giulianini & Eskew,
1998; Stromeyer, Thabet, Chaparro, & Kronauer,
1999). We assumed that cone weights to the two postulated detection mechanisms do not change with temporal frequency. This approximation is imperfect but is reasonable when the L- and M-cones are in similar adaptation states (Stromeyer, Cole, & Kronauer,
1987; Gegenfurtner & Hawken,
1995; Stromeyer, Chaparro, Tolias, & Kronauer,
1997; Stockman & Plummer,
2005a; Stockman & Plummer,
2005b; Stockman, Jägle, Pirzer, & Sharpe,
2008). Under the conditions of our experiment, L- and M-cones absorbed ∼8,900 and 7,400 photons/cone/s, respectively, and were therefore in an adaptation state similar to that produced by a moderate-intensity, 565-nm background. Under these conditions, flicker perception is dominated by a fast, cone-nonopponent pathway with little influence of the slow, cone-opponent pathway that might manifest as frequency-dependent cone weights to the LUM mechanism in our experiment (Stockman, Henning, Anwar, Starba, & Rider,