Methods for Bayesian adaptive stimulus selection have been developed over several decades in a variety of different disciplines. If we focus on the specific application of estimating psychometric functions, the field goes back to the QUEST (A. B. Watson & Pelli,
1983) and ZEST (King-Smith, Grigsby, Vingrys, Benes, & Supowit,
1994) algorithms, which are focused on the estimation of discrimination thresholds, and to the simple case of 1-D stimulus and binary responses (Treutwein,
1995). The Ψ method (Kontsevich & Tyler,
1999) uses Bayesian inference for estimating both the threshold and slope of a psychometric function, which have been extended to 2-D stimuli by Kujala and Lukka (
2006). Further development of the method allowed for adaptive estimation of more complex psychometric functions, where the parameters are no longer limited to a threshold and a slope (Barthelmé & Mamassian,
2008; Kujala & Lukka,
2006; Lesmes, Lu, Baek, & Albright,
2010; Prins,
2013) and may exhibit statistical dependencies (Vul, Bergsma, & MacLeod,
2010). Models with multidimensional stimuli have also been considered (DiMattina,
2015; Kujala & Lukka,
2006; A. B. Watson,