In an example like skeet shooting, we need to localize the (changing) position of the target, which does not only depend on retinotopic maps but also on other effects (Schlag & Schlag-Rey,
2002), like motion signals (De Valois & De Valois,
1991; Linares, López-Moliner, & Johnston,
2007; Maus, Fischer, & Whitney,
2013; Whitney,
2002). Position and motion interactions can be complex. Recently, Kwon, Tadin, and Knill (
2015) put forward a model that tries to unify visual motion and position perception. The model implements an optimal object tracking system in which speed is integrated to update the position. The computational principle is based on a Kalman filter (Kalman,
1960) that couples position and motion information estimates. Measured sensory signals (of position or speed) and internal estimates based on past signals are optimally combined according to their respective uncertainties. If sensory signals are very reliable, they would be weighted more than the internal model, and vice versa. This unified tracking model successfully predicts many phenomena, such as perceptual biases like the motion-induced position shift (MIPS, De Valois & De Valois,
1991). Such a model is not only relevant to explain perceptual effects, but can also have consequences for sensoriomotor actions as well. Sensorimotor situations involving moving objects require that an action is made relative to the course of the object. Actions are planned to obtain a certain outcome, as defined by the situation's reward function. Due to the spatiotemporal nature of that course, though, the action may be planned by relying more on either temporal or spatial information. For example, when positional uncertainty is high, on a foggy day, a skeet shooter may rely more on motion information. A position-motion coupled model (Kwon et al.,
2015) would make different predictions for conditions in which measured positional noise or speed noise are affected differently. For example, it would predict that measured position would be more variable for faster speeds (see
Figure 1A), due to the limited visual temporal resolution (Linares, Holcombe, & White,
2009). In that case, the model would favor the use of motion information. On the other hand, motion duration could affect the reliability of speed measurements (Burr & Santoro,
2001; Neri, Morrone, & Burr,
1998), with shorter presentation times leading to noisier speed estimates. In such a case, the model would favor position measurements.