First, we consider the effects of the three different light-field manipulations on perceived gloss, in the absence of information about the prevailing illumination (
Figure 7, top row). Our light-field manipulations had a significant effect on perceived glossiness: two-factor ANOVA, with gloss level and illumination manipulation as predictors, main effect of manipulation,
F(3, 33) = 40.8,
p < 0.001; all ANOVA analyses and posthoc comparisons were performed using SPSS. Stimuli rendered under uniform light-fields were perceived as significantly less glossy than those under natural illumination (
p < 0.001), whereas the decrease in perceived gloss under the Halloween condition did not reach significance following Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (
p > 0.05). Our data suggest that observers have internalized certain characteristics of natural light-fields (luminance skew, and possibly illumination from above) and rely on these for gloss estimation.
There was no significant effect of manipulating the power distribution (half-slope condition) on perceived gloss in the background-absent condition. Under this manipulation, the luminance distribution was held fixed while varying the spectral slope. Thus, although natural illumination fields differ very little in their distribution of spectral power across frequencies, we don't seem to rely on this characteristic when estimating gloss. In contrast, perceived gloss is affected when there is a change in the predominant illumination direction, or the luminance distribution (e.g., its skew).
Recall that we manipulated the illumination field rather than directly manipulating the stimulus images. Next, we consider whether any simple image statistics might explain the reduction in perceived gloss under the Halloween and uniform conditions. The effects of our manipulations on simple statistics of the luminance distribution within the image of the judged object are presented in
Figure 8. A linear regression reveals that, in the background-absent conditions, variations in perceived gloss are well approximated by a combination of Michelson contrast and skew. This simple model explains 86% of variance in perceived gloss, across the 36 conditions (9 stimulus gloss levels and 4 illumination manipulations). One predictor alone (contrast, maximum, or range) can explain only around 70% of variance; the addition of a second parameter is supported by leave-one-out cross-validation. Adding a third predictor scarcely helps (producing an increase in
r2 of less than 1%).
Our primary question, however, is whether observers can use information about the illumination field, when available, to improve gloss constancy. If observers completely ignore the context that the object is presented in, the data would be identical for the background-absent and background-present conditions. In contrast, if observers use the background information to compensate for the current illumination conditions, i.e., to improve gloss constancy, we would expect perceived gloss to become more similar across the four manipulation conditions in the background-present conditions. However, when the background was present (
Figure 7, lower row), the illumination manipulations still had a significant effect on perceived gloss: two-factor ANOVA, with gloss level and illumination manipulation as predictors, main effect of manipulation,
F(3, 33) = 40.8,
p < 0.001; stimuli rendered under any of the three manipulated illuminations were perceived as significantly less glossy than those rendered under the standard illumination (all
p < 0.05 following Bonferroni correction).
Importantly, we can compare perceived gloss across the background-present and background-absent conditions to see whether contextual information is used when judging perceived gloss. There was a significant interaction between background presence/absence and light-field manipulation: three-factor ANOVA, with gloss level, illumination manipulation, and background presence as predictors; interaction between manipulation and presence, F(3, 33) = 47.5, p < 0.001, suggesting that contextual information from the illumination environment does have an effect on gloss perception. However, it does not, as we hypothesized, improve gloss constancy. When the background is present, stimuli rendered under the half-slope condition are perceived as less glossy than those rendered under a normal light-field (and less glossy than when the same stimuli were presented against an arbitrary gray background). This can be thought of as a failure/reduction of gloss constancy. Why would the presence of the background reduce perceived gloss in the half-slope condition? Changing the slope of the power spectrum (while preserving the luminance histogram) produced multiple small bright spots within the visible background; the contrast of the background was increased (relative to standard illumination), whereas the contrast within the object region was reduced.
A parsimonious explanation of both the background-present and background-absent conditions is thus that observers are sensitive not only to contrast and skew within the object's image, but how these characteristics compare to the luminance profile of the background (
Figure 8). This makes sense: high-contrast illumination fields with large skew (i.e., a few very bright regions) should lead to high-contrast and bright specular reflections on glossy objects. In line with this, perceived gloss across all 72 conditions (background present/absent; four illumination manipulations, nine gloss levels) is well explained by positive effects of contrast and skew within the object's image, combined with suppressive effects of contrast and skew within the background (
r2 = 0.87 from linear regression; the addition of the two background parameters is supported by leave-one-out cross-validation).
In the half-slope condition, skew is increased, but contrast is decreased within the image of the target object (relative to the standard condition). Accordingly, there is little change in perceived gloss following this manipulation in the background-absent condition. However, both contrast and skew are substantially elevated within the background, and this is accompanied by a decrease in perceived gloss in the background-present condition. In the Halloween condition, skew within the object's image is similar to that of the standard stimulus whereas contrast is decreased. This combination is accompanied by a decrease in perceived gloss in the background-absent condition. Within the background, skew is increased relative to the standard condition, and Michelson contrast is approximately unchanged. Accordingly, when the background is present in the Halloween condition, there is a small reduction in perceived gloss (relative to background-absent). In the uniform condition, large decreases in skew and contrast within the object's image are accompanied by a large decrease in perceived gloss. Notably, however, the reduced contrast and skew in the background for this condition do not produce an increase in perceived gloss in the uniform, background-present condition (relative to the background-absent condition). It is possible that there is an asymmetry in the effects of contrast and skew within the surrounding context of a viewed object: Unusually large values have a suppressive effect on perceived gloss; however, a reduction in the highlight-inducing features of the background has little effect on perceived gloss. In fact, a similar observation can be made in relation to the effect of a uniform background in the background-absent conditions: A zero-contrast background does not inflate perceived gloss, as one might otherwise expect.
Finally, we investigated whether the presence of the background improves gloss
discrimination, indexed by the range of perceived gloss values in JND space for each condition (
Figure 7, fourth column). Background presence might improve gloss discrimination by giving observers explicit information about the illumination, which could serve a useful reference to correctly interpret specular highlights. To this end, we independently analyzed data from the background-present and absent conditions. However, we did not find a significant difference in gloss discriminability when a portion of the illumination was visible in the background versus when it was absent: two-factor ANOVA with manipulation and presence/absence as predictors; nonsignificant main effect of presence/absence,
F(1, 11) = 0.85,
p > 0.05. Interestingly, however, discrimination did depend on the illumination manipulation: main effect of illumination,
F(3, 33) = 13.4,
p < 0.001. Perceived gloss increased more rapidly with stimulus gloss for the half-slope condition than under standard illumination (
p < 0.01, following Bonferroni correction). This is consistent with the influence of luminance skew on gloss perception; skew increases more dramatically with stimulus gloss in this condition (
Figure 8, top-right plot). There was no effect of interval bias apparent in observer responses: Observers were equally likely to select the stimulus with a higher gloss level as glossier when it appeared in the first or second interval. For both intervals, this response probability was 0.78.