Recently, in the adult eye-tracking research community there has been an increased interest in the measurement of temporal dynamics of fixations to analyze the
scanpaths (i.e., trajectories of the eyes when scanning the visual field and analyzing any kind of visual information). In scanpath methods, images are divided into AOIs, which can either be designated feature regions within an image (e.g., body parts or objects) or can be created by simply binning (i.e., the process of combining a cluster of pixels into one single pixel) the image into a discrete number of regular bins (for a review, see Anderson, Anderson, Kingstone, & Bischof,
2015). A letter is then assigned to each region, and every eye fixation within that region is tagged with this identifier. Methods such as string-edit distance (e.g., Foulsham & Kingstone,
2013), linear distance algorithm (Henderson, Brockmole, Castelhano, & Mack,
2007), ScanMatch (Cristino, Mathôt, Theeuwes, & Gilchrist,
2010), or the MultiMatch analysis (Dewhurst et al.,
2012) have proved to be useful for comparing scanpaths among participants (Anderson et al.,
2015). Scanpath analyses have shown, for instance, that infants collect facial information more efficiently from upright faces than from inverted ones, an ability that gradually develops with age (Kato & Konishi,
2013), and that they scan faces of various ethnicities differently (e.g., Xiao, Xiao, Quinn, Anzures, & Lee,
2012). However, these analyses are generally constrained to comparisons for closely related stimuli or very similar layouts where particular points are easily comparable, making it difficult to generalize the scanpath measures over participants and stimuli (for a further discussion, see Anderson et al.,