An algorithm that overcomes both problems is the Eidolon Factory (Koenderink, Valsecchi, van Doorn, Wagemans, & Gegenfurtner,
2017). This algorithm is also based on a scale-based representation of the image, but instead of taking the approach of constraining noise toward a translation-invariant representation of the stimulus, it takes the opposite approach of applying local spatial distortions to the representation itself (for a detailed comparison of the two approaches, see Koenderink et al.,
2017, appendix C). Notice that using a scale-space representation is a desirable quality for a tool that is meant to mimic perceptual effects. On the one hand, the human visual system is characterized by neurons with varying receptive-field size, which by definition implies that it represents the visual input at different scales. On the other hand, a scale-space representation has proven to be a solid base for algorithms simulating visual functions, such as the detection of salient input (e.g., Itti & Koch,
2000). Furthermore, the relative weight of sub-band content can deeply affect the appearance of materials and shape (e.g., Boyadzhiev, Bala, Paris, & Adelson,
2015; Giesel & Zaidi,
2013). The Eidolon Factory works by spatially warping the representation at each scale based on a random vector field, before the warped scale components are recomposed to produce the eidolon. Random vector fields are generated by separately defining the X and Y components as Gaussian white noise convolved with a Gaussian filter. The random field which is used to warp a given scale results from the weighted combination of a field generated independently for that scale and an additional field which is shared by all scales. The outcome of the Eidolon Factory is determined by a limited number of parameters that affect the nature of the spatial distortion which is applied to the input image representation. The first, which we named
reach, defines the standard deviation of the distribution of the random fields. The second parameter,
coherence, defines the relative weight of the common displacement field shared by all scales and of the displacement fields computed independently for each scale. A coherence value of 0 corresponds to completely independent warping between scales, and a value of 1 corresponds to identical warping applied to all scales. Perceptually, an increase in reach is associated with increased distortion—for example, bending of edges, or inflation or compression of local features. A decrease in coherence is associated with the independent diffusion of edges across scales, so that they become fuzzy and less defined. Notice that we choose to define this parameter as coherence in order to be consistent with our previous work (Koenderink et al.,
2017). Its polarity, however, is arbitrary; we could have defined it as
incoherence, associating the value 1 with maximum fuzziness.