These displacements of the reach or reach feedback, called perturbations, are often large and potentially noticeable. Noticing a perturbation of the reach endpoint may allow subjects to compensate using a conscious, top-down approach, which may be subject to cognitive biases (Harris,
1974) and is more difficult to accomplish under cognitive load (Ingram et al.,
2000). Hwang et al. (
2006) describe explicit and implicit motor compensation processes (i.e., compensation when aware or unaware of the manipulation) that work in parallel and both contribute to maintaining performance during perturbed movements. These processes operate with different learning rates, have different amounts of savings during subsequent re-adaptation, and can be weighted asymmetrically in subsequentnt motor plans (Huberdeau, Krakauer, & Haith,
2015; Taylor, Krakauer, & Ivry,
2014). Typical studies show less generalization and transfer of learning to the contralateral limb during adaptation than during an explicit change of strategy (e.g., Malfait & Ostry,
2004; but see also Torres-Oviedo & Bastian,
2012). Furthermore, these systems can operate in opposition to one another (Mazzoni & Krakauer,
2006) and are subserved by different neural circuitry (Galea, Vazquez, Pasricha, de Xivry, & Celnik,
2011; Taylor, Klemfuss, & Ivry,
2010). This suggests that motor adaptation is a qualitatively different process than consciously changing a motor goal. These processes directly inform real-world applications, including rehabilitation and skill learning, underscoring the need to learn more about how people detect perturbations.