It is well established that older adults show a perceptual deterioration in the detection of low-level local features of objects, such as orientation, contrast sensitivity, and spatial frequencies (Derefeldt, Lennerstrand, & Lundh,
1979; D. B. Elliott, Whitaker, & MacVeigh,
1990; S. L. Elliott et al.,
2009; Kline,
1987; Kline & Schieber,
1985; Kline, Schieber, Abusamra, & Coyne,
1983; Owsley, Sekuler, & Siemsen,
1983; Ross, Clarke, & Bron,
1985; Tulunay-Keesey, VerHoeve, & Terkla-McGrane, 1988). In addition, it has been suggested that aging eye conditions (pupillary miosis, increased lens density, increased intraocular light scatter, and increased aberrations) partly contribute to the loss of these local visual functions in older adults (Artal, Guirao, Berrio, Piers, & Norrby,
2003; Atchley, & Anderson,
1998; Glasser & Campbell,
1998; Loewenfeld,
1979; Pokorny, Smith, & Lutze,
1987; Said & Weale,
1959; Weale,
1961). However, it has not yet been determined whether there are age-related changes in the perception of global visual patterns. Traditionally, global visual function is described by Gestalt theory; however, Gestalt evidence has often been criticized for being somewhat subjective (Pomerantz,
2003). When investigating visual perception, precise definitions of the terms global and local are required. A “Global-first” theory with a topological approach provides such a definition of global versus local visual perception and also a new perspective in the understanding of global versus local relationships (Chen,
2005; Huang et al.,
2018; Huang, Zhou, & Chen
2011; Wang, Zhou, Zhuo, & Chen,
2007; Zhuo et al.,
2003; Zhou, Luo, Zhou, Zhuo, & Chen,
2010). The topological properties of an image have a holistic identity that remains constant across various smooth shape image transformations. These shape transformations can be imagined as continuous deformations of a rubber sheet, such as bending or stretching, but not tearing apart or gluing parts together. In this kind of rubber-sheet distortion, the number of holes remains unchanged and, therefore, is a topological property (Chen,
2005). A property is considered more global (or stable) when the more general the transformation group is, the more the property remains invariant. The global topological property that is the number of holes (hereafter referred to as holes) is structurally more stable than local properties (for example, Euclidean, affine, and projective).