Amblyopia is a neurodevelopmental vision disorder that is associated with abnormal visual stimulation (typically strabismus and/or anisometropia) during early childhood. Amblyopia is commonly defined as a unilateral or bilateral (though not so often) decrease of visual acuity. The literature suggests that amblyopia affects approximately 3% of population and is a major cause of vision loss in children (Webber & Wood,
2005; Levi, Knill, & Bavelier,
2015). In addition, reduced activation in the number of cortical areas as well as in lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN; Anderson & Swettenham,
2006; Bonhomme et al.,
2006; Hess, Thompson, Gole, & Mullen,
2009) observed in amblyopic individuals, provides the evidence that abnormal visual experience during early childhood may affect physiological development of central nervous system (CNS). Although our knowledge regarding spatial vision deficits in amblyopia is rather well established, the data regarding neural control of eye movements in amblyopic subjects is yet to be explored. Several previous studies have shown that amblyopia may affect smooth pursuit, fixational eye movements, or fixation stability (Ciuffreda, Kenyon, & Stark,
1979; Gonzalez, Wong, Niechwiej-Szwedo, Tarita-Nistor, & Steinbach,
2012; Subramanian et al.,
2013; Chung, Kumar, Li, R. & Levi,
2015; Ghasia,
2015; Shaikh, Otero-Millan, Kumar, & Ghasia,
2016; Kelly, Cheng-Patel, Jost, Wang, & Birch,
2018). In terms of saccadic eye movements, reduced precision of saccade amplitude or increased saccadic reaction time (latency) may be present in amblyopic subjects (Niechwiej-Szwedo, Chandrakumar, Goltz, & Wong,
2012; Perdziak, Witkowska, Gryncewicz, Przekoracka-Krawczyk, & Ober,
2014; McKee, Levi, Schor, & Movshon,
2016; Perdziak, Witkowska, Gryncewicz, & Ober,
2016). However, in the vast majority of previous research, saccadic latency in amblyopic subjects was measured during the classic paradigm in which the peripheral target is switched on simultaneously with an offset of fixation target—there is no gap condition. In the 60s, Saslow (
1967) described interesting phenomena related to the pause between the offset of fixation target and onset of peripheral saccadic target. Namely, if the fixation target is removed shortly before the new target appears (the gap paradigm or gap condition), the saccadic reaction time is considerably (usually ∼20–40 ms) reduced (gap effect) as compared to the “no gap” condition (Saslow,
1967; Dorris & Munoz,
1995; Coubard, Daunys, & Kapoula,
2004). Thus, the gap effect refers to the saccadic latency advantage resulting from removing the fixation target before the onset of a new peripheral target (Dorris & Munoz,
1995). It is believed that the offset of the centrally fixated target, reduces the activity of fixation neurons in SC (superior colliculus), releasing the visual attention and permitting the saccadic system to respond more quickly to new stimuli (Everling, Paré, Dorris, & Munoz,
1998). Gap durations ∼200–300 ms were found to be optimal for demonstrating the gap effect (manifested both as reduced saccadic reaction times and as the increased percentage/number of express saccades; Saslow,
1967; Mayfrank, Mobashery, Kimmig, & Fischer,
1986; Dorris & Munoz,
1995; Braun and Breitmeyer, 1998). It was observed that express saccades (ES, usually defined as saccades with a very short latencies between 80–20 ms; Kingstone & Klein,
1993; Coubard et al.
2004; Bucci, Pouvreau, Yang, & Kapoula,
2005) tend to occur more often in humans not only during the gap conditions, but also under conditions of fronto-executive loading (cognitive distraction) or frontal lobes lesions, where cortical control may be weakened (Halliday & Carpenter,
2010). Thus, the neural mechanisms involved in express saccades initiation are of particular interest, because after the afferent and efferent neural transportation delays are subtracted from the latency time, very little time remains to decide whether and how to respond to the new stimuli (Carpenter,
1981; Fischer & Weber,
1993; Munoz, Dorris, Paré, & Everling,
2000). To our best knowledge, neither of previous research investigated the impact of amblyopia on the generation of express saccades with the use long (200 ms) and short (50 ms) gap durations.