Finally, in both experiments, implicit prediction of harder stimuli led to higher peak forces in the first indentation, which is in line with our expectations and with previous results (Kaim & Drewing,
2011; Lezkan & Drewing,
2015). However, the hard-soft difference in the initial peak forces observed in
Experiment 1 was smaller (1.0 N) than in previous studies (about 4.0 N in Kaim & Drewing,
2011; about 3.8 N for soft vs. hard stimuli in Lezkan & Drewing,
2015), and smaller than in
Experiment 2 (about 2.5 N). One may speculate that participants may not have been able to reach a solid level of implicit knowledge/learning in
Experiment 1 (Masters,
1992) because the number of successive trials with the same compliance category was relatively small (48 compared to 192 in Lezkan & Drewing,
2015). However, the number of trials in
Experiment 2 was even smaller (16), but the force adjustment more pronounced. Alternatively, the smaller hard-soft effects in the present implicit condition could be due to differences in compliance levels. Stimuli in
Experiment 1 had compliances of 0.45 mm/N and 0.95 mm/N, whereas stimuli in the harder conditions in the previous studies and in
Experiment 2 were harder, and the difference between compliance categories was bigger (0.14 mm/N and 0.74 mm/N in Lezkan & Drewing,
2015; 0.15 mm/N and 1.24 mm/N in Kaim & Drewing,
2011; 0.15 mm/N and 0.95 mm/N in
Experiment 2). We had used more compliant stimuli in the harder category of
Experiment 1 to achieve a good match to the visual compliance display. Still, less difference between the harder and the softer category should lead to a smaller difference in adaptation (cf. Lezkan & Drewing,
2015). Additionally, the overall high level of compliance might have caused less difference in peak forces between harder and softer stimuli, due to a floor effect, given that humans seem always to use a certain minimum of initial peak force when exploring softer, or unknown stimuli (Kaim & Drewing,
2011; Lezkan & Drewing,
2015). Finally, one may ask why people use the same low force for unknown stimuli that they use for the soft stimuli, and higher force for harder stimuli—and not the other way around. We speculate that this is an efficient strategy. When no prior information is given, the use of small forces avoids wasting effort in a process in which the compliance of the explored stimulus is yet unknown. However, this speculation remains to be tested.