The ring diameters we employed placed the ring circumferences in two anatomically distinct regions of the retina. Because the foveal region has an anatomical diameter of approximately 5° (Millodot,
2018; Schubert,
2014; Wandell,
1995), the inducing and tests rings were foveal in the 3.5° diameter condition but parafoveal in the 7.5° condition. Therefore, the increase in the MBE with increasing ring size might be attributable to the para- and perifoveal areas being more capable of processing rapid motions due to the increased dominance of transient cells in these regions relative to the fovea (for Y cell dominance in cats, see Hoffmann, Stone, & Sherman,
1972; for the M cell increase in monkeys, see Schein & de Monasterio,
1987; on the implications for human perception see Breitmeyer & Ganz,
1976). While there is data indicating that sensitivity to motion is similar in the fovea and more peripheral regions of the retina (McKee & Nakayama,
1984) or that the fovea is actually more sensitive to motion than the periphery (Finlay,
1982), Sekuler (
1975) concluded that the periphery has a distinct preference for high rates of temporal modulation. One can construe this as a shift in the temporal frequency response function for moving stimuli towards higher values as retinal eccentricity increases. Along with other evidence, Sekuler notes that when Armstrong (reported in Sekuler,
1975) presented targets with linear velocities up to 100°/s on an oscilloscope, the motion of these targets was only perceived when the target was 10° eccentric. Baker and Braddick (
1985) argue, based on an increase of the spatial limit of apparent motion (
dmax) with eccentricity, that high velocity motions that are not visible in central vision can become visible in the periphery of the retina. The argument that the periphery of the retina is sensitive for high temporal modulation is further supported by findings from flicker research. Tyler (
1985), for example, reports the peripheral CFF can be substantially higher than the foveal CFF (see also Hartmann et al.,
1979; and Tyler, 1987). If the temporal frequency is a primary determinant of the strength of the MBE, as our
Experiment 1 results suggest (see also
Figure 4B), these findings make a higher temporal sensitivity in the peripheral retina a likely candidate for the reported effect of ring diameter.