The stimuli were presented on a CRT Sony Multiscan Trinitron G400 monitor, driven by a ViSaGe graphics display system (CRS, Rochester, UK) hosted by a DELL Precision T1650 computer. Custom software was written to generate the stimuli and collect observer responses; this was programmed utilizing the ViSaGe Win32 application-programming interface (C language). The display was gamma corrected using a colorCAL (CRS) controlled via the vsgDesktop software. The spectral emission functions of the red (R), green (G), and blue (B) phosphors were measured using a SpectroCAL (CRS). The CIE xyY coordinates of the R, G, and B phosphors at maximum luminance outputs, in candelas per square meter, were red = (0.62, 0.34, 16.6), green = (0.28, 0.61, 55.4), and blue = (0.15, 0.07, 7.6).
The display was driven at 160 Hz and had a resolution of 800 × 600 pixels, giving a pixel size of ∼0.47 × 0.47 mm. Participants viewed the display through a modified eight-mirror Wheatstone stereoscope, which used four front-surfaced mirrors per eye. Viewing distance along the light path was 100 cm, hence one pixel subtended ∼0.027° of visual angle. The stereoscope allowed approximately 9.8° × 12.4° of the display to be visible to each eye. Prior to the start of any data collection, the monitor was warmed up for at least 20 min in order to ensure a stable luminance output. During the experiments, observers were seated in a darkened room and their responses were recorded via a Targus AKP10CA keypad.