Other considerations for a better delineation of the development of surround suppression would be to examine whether the phenomenon would be observed in children with different stimuli properties, such as varying the size or salience of the visual array or the individual stimuli. There are no differences in receptive field size, eccentricity, and visual field coverage in early and intermediate visual areas in children (5–12 years) and adults (Gomez, Natu, Jeska, Barnett, & Grill-Spector,
2018). And, in the current study, the visual array projected onto the parafovea, a region with no visual field coverage difference between adults and children. Previous research has also demonstrated that the fovea develops quite early in development (Hendrickson & Yuodelis,
1984), and that low level visual abilities such as spatial acuity (Lai, Wang, & Hsu,
2011; Norcia & Tyler,
1985), contrast sensitivity (Almoqbel, Irving, & Leat,
2017), and orientation discrimination (Jeon, Hamid, Maurer, & Lewis,
2010; Lewis, Kingdon, Ellemberg, & Maurer,
2007) are adult-like by the age of 8 years, the youngest age group featured in the current study. However, the possibility exists that larger and more salient stimuli could have made the task more feasible for the younger children. This is especially plausible, since children up to 11 years of age show greater crowding effects—that is, impaired target recognition caused by surrounding contours—in comparison to adults (Jeon et al.,
2010). However, we expect that potentially reducing crowding would only improve the overall performance of younger age groups and not impact the effect of attentional surround suppression on visual discrimination accuracy for several reasons. First, the distance between each individual letter and circle it is overlaid on in our stimuli was larger (1.26° visual angle) than the documented distance (7.84 arcmin or 0.13° visual angle) where crowding effects have been observed in the youngest age group included in our study. Secondly, attentional surround suppression, as indexed in the current study by discrimination accuracy increasing as a function of the separation distance between an attended target and a second target, is likely distinct from pure crowding effects. In Experiment 1, the distance between the targets and any of the surrounding distractors (black letters) was the same for each intertarget separation, and as a result, the potential level of crowding would not have varied across intertarget separation. Additionally, if crowding was the primary factor impacting the participants' performance in the current study, it would be expected that intertarget separation would also impact discrimination accuracy when attention is not spatially allocated as in Experiment 2, but this was not observed in our findings. Finally, crowding effects have been found to be reduced under condition of spatially focused attention. For instance, when attention is spatially directed to the target location via peripheral cues, visual discrimination performance in crowded displays is improved (Huckauf & Heller,
2002; Yeshurun & Rashal,
2010). Altogether, this suggests that crowding is likely not a primary factor driving the findings of the current study.