Studies on peripheral vision have been mostly focused on particular visual tasks such as categorization of global scene properties (Boucart, Moroni, Thibaut, et al.,
2013; Ehinger & Rosenholtz,
2016; Wang & Cottrell,
2017), visual attention (Intriligator & Cavanagh,
2001; Rosenholtz,
2016; Rosenholtz, Huang, & Ehinger,
2012), and eye movement planning (Rosenholtz, Huang, Raj, Balas, & Ilie,
2012; Wiecek, Pasquale, Fiser, Dakin, & Bex,
2012). However, some recent studies have shown that peripheral vision is able to perform rapid scene categorization tasks (Boucart, Moroni, Thibaut, et al.,
2013; Larson & Loschky,
2009) and to solve complex object categorization tasks including natural object discrimination (Boucart et al.,
2010; Boucart, Moroni, Szaffarczyk, & Tran,
2013; Ehinger & Rosenholtz,
2016; S. J. Thorpe et al.,
2001) and face recognition (Crouzet, Kirchner, & Thorpe,
2010; Hershler, Golan, Bentin, & Hochstein,
2010) in the very far periphery (Boucart et al.,
2016). Moreover, recent neuroimaging findings in humans have suggested that there is a feedback system in the brain that somehow sends the information from visual periphery to cortical regions retinotopic to fovea (Chambers et al.,
2013; M. A. Williams et al.,
2008), and psychophysical manipulation of this feedback information can disrupt humans' categorization performance in visual periphery (Fan et al.,
2016; Weldon et al.,
2016; Yu & Shim,
2016). The time course of peripheral feedback information is found to be flexible and depends on the task demand (Fan et al.,