It has been proposed that the neural pathways for perception and action depend on distinct visual information. In support of this notion, Lisi & Cavanagh (2015) reported that although internal grating motion can accumulate over seconds into a large illusory position shift, this position shift is not reflected in saccade targeting (action). Another possibility however is that rather than saccades and other actions having privileged access to the correct position, the attention shift thought to precede saccades resets the accumulated position shift to zero. In support of this possibility, here we found that both transients near the moving object and an observer’s button press subjectively timed to the object reaching a particular position could reset the accumulation of illusory position shift and, without saccadic eye movements, create an impression of the object jumping back to its actual position. Our results suggest that stimulus-driven attention and attention associated with control of action may update the perceived position of moving objects and mediate the previously reported dissociation between conscious perception and saccades.
Acknowledgement: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science