Part of the confusion comes from an overabundance of available depth cues in typical viewing. Motion-in-depth cues can arise from both retinal and extraretinal sources and can be monocular or binocular. Monocular cues include retinal image features (e.g., shading, texture, defocus blur, perspective, optical expansion, kinetic depth cues, motion parallax, etc.; Guan & Banks,
2016; Held, Cooper, & Banks,
2012; Zannoli, Love, Narain, & Banks,
2016; Zannoli & Mamassian,
2011), and ocular accommodation (Guan & Banks,
2016; Mon-Williams & Tresilian,
2000). Binocular cues include retinal disparity, inter-ocular velocity differences (Nefs & Harris,
2010; Nefs, O'Hare, & Harris,
2010), change in disparity over time (Nefs & Harris,
2010; Nefs et al.,
2010), ocular vergence (Mon-Williams & Tresilian,
1999; Mon-Williams, Tresilian, & Roberts,
2000) and version angles (Backus, Banks, Van Ee, & Crowell,
1999; Banks & Backus,
1998). Ultimately, however, because retinal disparity varies nonuniformly with 3D eye-in-head orientation (Blohm et al.,
2008), retinal signals alone are insufficient to estimate motion-in-depth; rather, the visual system must account for the full 3D geometry of the eye and head (Blohm et al.,
2008; Harris,
2006; Welchman et al.,
2009). Indeed, Blohm et al. (
2008) demonstrated that the visual system accounts for 3D eye-in-head orientation to accurately reach to static objects in depth, but how this finding extends to
moving objects in depth is unclear. Harris (
2006) and Welchman and colleagues (
2009) found psychophysical evidence supporting the use of binocular extraretinal signals (both static and dynamic) for motion in depth perception, but their relative contributions to the spatial 3D percept remain unclear. Here, we attempt to answer this question by asking participants to reconstruct motion-in-depth trajectories from only binocular depth cues across various vergence and horizontal version angles, then use 3D geometric modeling to compare these reconstructions directly to motion-in-depth perception predicted by relative disparity.