This model can be applied to the present data when considering that fixation is an active process that coincides with neural activity in the rostral pole of the superior colliculus (Munoz & Wurtz,
1993; Everling, Pare, Dorris, & Munoz,
1998; Krauzlis, Dill, & Kornylo,
2002) as well as with the activity of fixation neurons in FEF (Izawa et al.,
2009) and many other oculomotor-related areas (Sakata, Shibutani, & Kawano,
1980; Bremmer, Distler, & Hoffmann,
1997; Read & Siegel,
1997; Ben Hamed & Duhamel,
2002). The same feedback gain modulation as proposed by Hamker et al. (
2008) would then predict a distortion of the encoded flash position toward the fixation point at times in which fixation activity is high. Indeed, stimuli that are briefly flashed during fixation often appear closer to the fixation point than they truly are (Müsseler, van der Heyden, Mahmud, Deubel, & Ertsy,
1999; Lappe et al.,
2000), a bias that may be produced by the fixation activity. In the overlap and step conditions, it seems likely that fixation activity is transiently increased in order to keep with instructions to not immediately look at the salient target in the periphery. Under the above model, such a transient increase in fixation activity would produce the observed transient countercompression. In contrast in the gap condition, fixation activity is known to be removed (Dorris & Munoz,
1995) and countercompression should not be observed, also consistent with the above model. Thus, our proposed model suggests that compression and countercompression are the same process with different attractive locations being active at different times.