Mice were anesthetized with isoflurane via a nose tube during surgery (4% isoflurane in oxygen at induction, 1–1.5% during surgery, 0.2 l/min). After fixating the heads of the anesthetized animals in a stereotactic holder, their eyes were covered in sterile ocular lube (Puralube; Dechra, s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands) to prevent dehydration. Next, after shaving the head, skin on top of the head was cut out using fine scissors, and the exposed periosteum was anesthetized locally (1 mg/ml lidocaine HCL with 0.25 mg/ml Bupivacaine Actavis, Melsungen, Germany) before the skull was cleaned with a bone scraper. A custom-made titanium head plate was attached to the head with dental cement (Superbond C&B; Sun Medical, Marseille, France), to allow for fixation.