The overall pattern of results in
Experiment 2 is strikingly similar to that in
Experiment 1. First, we observed a general decrease in memory performance with increasing memory set size, irrespective of congruency condition (
Figure 3a). Second, performance in the congruent and incongruent conditions forms largely parallel lines across set sizes. That is, as in
Experiment 1, targets whose location coincided with the subsequent saccade target location were more often remembered correctly than stimuli at incongruent locations, and this advantage for congruent locations was not affected by memory set size. Finally, we observed the congruency effect both after saccades to a noise patch and saccades to oriented Gabors—performance in the two incongruent conditions largely overlaps. A 3 (congruency) x 3 (memory set size) rmANOVA corroborated these findings. We observed a significant main effect of memory set size (
F(2, 14) = 100.2,
p < 0.001) and congruency (
F(2, 14) = 8.1,
p = 0.005). Importantly, the influence of congruency did not vary as a function of memory set size, as indicated by the absence of an interaction (
F(4, 28) = 0.7,
p > 0.250). Indeed, a model including only the two main effects (BF = 51.53) was 6.2 times as likely to account for the data than a model including both main effects and their interaction (BF = 49.70). In an additional rmANOVA, we compared the influence of memory set size and congruency only for the two incongruent conditions (Gabor vs. noise patch). Again, we observed a significant main effect of memory set size (
F(2, 14) = 50.48,
p < 0.001). However, the two incongruent conditions were not statistically different (
F(1, 7) = 1.3,
p > 0.250) and they did not interact with memory set size (
F(2, 14) = 1.5,
p = 0.249). Accordingly, a model including only the main effect of set size (BF = 30.09) was 2.9 times as likely as a model including both main effects (BF = 29.03). Thus, saccades influence the selection for
vstm irrespective of memory set size and irrespective of whether the memory content at the saccade target is a competing stimulus or not.