Human eyes are almost never stationary, even when we try to maintain our gaze on an object of interest. Microscopic eye movements, specifically ocular drifts and microsaccades, cause frequent changes in the retinal stimulation, which in turn elicit strong neural responses (
Greschner, Bongard, Rujan, & Ammermüller, 2002;
Kagan, Gur, & Snodderly, 2008;
Leopold & Logothetis, 1998;
Martinez-Conde, Macknik, & Hubel, 2000;
Snodderly, Kagan, & Gur, 2001). Ocular drifts have been shown to improve performance in the discrimination of fine spatial details (
Ağaoğlu, Sheehy, Tiruveedhula, Roorda, & Chung, 2018;
Ratnam, Harmening, & Roorda, 2017;
Rucci, Iovin, Poletti, & Santini, 2007), whereas microsaccades and small saccades have been implicated in counteracting visual fading and relocating gaze with minute precision during visual tasks that involve fine spatial structure (
Ağaoğlu et al., 2018;
Costela, McCamy, Macknik, Otero-Millan, & Martinez-Conde, 2013;
Havermann, Cherici, Rucci, & Lappe, 2014;
Martinez-Conde, Macknik, Troncoso, & Dyar, 2006;
Mostofi, Boi, & Rucci, 2015).
It is well known that the power spectra of natural scene images fall linearly in logarithmic axes with a slope of approximately –2 (
Burton & Moorhead, 1987;
Field, 1987;
Ruderman & Bialek, 1994;
van der Schaaf & van Hateren, 1996). The higher power contained within the lower spatial frequency bands means that adjacent points in the natural scenes are more correlated in terms of luminance (and other types of correlations, as well) than the higher spatial frequency bands. According to information theory (
Shannon, 1948) and the efficient coding hypothesis (
Barlow, 1961), the transmission of information representing natural scenes is most efficient when there is no redundancy in the transmitted signals. In normal vision, ocular drifts have been shown to reduce the redundancies in natural scenes by “whitening” or equalizing the spectral content of the retinal images within the spatial frequency bands to which retinal ganglion cells are most sensitive (
Casile & Rucci, 2006;
Kuang, Poletti, Victor, & Rucci, 2012), resulting in a slope of the power spectra close to zero. This flattening of the spatial power spectra (whitening) occurs while the power along the temporal frequency axis gets spread out from 0 Hz to nonzero frequencies, to which retinal ganglion cells are again more sensitive. The amount of power spilled over to nonzero temporal frequencies depends on the exact characteristics of fixational eye movements, and more power in nonzero temporal frequencies might be helpful for better visual performance.
Characteristics of fixational eye movements are affected by certain cortical and retinal disorders. For example, people with macular disease who do not have a functioning fovea are known to exhibit much higher fixation instability when compared with people with a normal fovea (
Crossland, Culham, & Rubin, 2004;
Kumar & Chung, 2014;
White & Bedell, 1990). The increased fixation instability is attributed to larger amplitudes of ocular drifts and microsaccades
1 (
Kumar & Chung, 2014). Poor fixation stability has been suggested as a major factor limiting visual performance for people with macular disease (
Amore et al., 2013;
Crossland et al., 2004;
Reinhard et al., 2007;
Rubin & Feely, 2009;
Seiple, Rosen, & Garcia, 2013). Additionally, our recent finding suggests that, although natural fixational eye movements are beneficial to vision, excessive amount of retinal image motion causes a degradation in visual performance, at least in normal vision (
Ağaoğlu et al., 2018). Therefore, potentially, poor fixation stability, associated with the larger amplitude of ocular drifts and microsaccades, is a factor contributing to the poor vision of people with macular disease. On the other hand, in the absence of a functioning fovea, people with bilateral macular disease often adopt a peripheral retinal location for visual tasks. This location, commonly referred to as the “preferred retinal locus” (PRL), often does not correspond to the retinal location with the highest visual acuity (
Bernard & Chung, 2018). Because of its location in the peripheral retina, the photoreceptor spacing is larger and there is a higher convergence of photoreceptors onto a ganglion cell at the PRL when compared with the normal fovea. Hence, the increased fixation instability and the larger amplitude of ocular drifts and microsaccades may be necessary in order to sweep the visual input over different sampling units to avoid visual fading, thus improving visual perception. To date, the functional consequences of fixational eye movements of people with macular disease, which exhibit many abnormal characteristics when compared with “normal” fixational eye movements, remain unclear. This question is important from both a clinical and a basic science point of view. If the abnormal characteristics of fixational eye movements of people with macular disease are detrimental to visual perception, then one way to improve visual perception for these individuals could be via oculomotor training with the goal of training the characteristics of their fixational eye movements to fall within normal limits. From a basic science point of view, and based on our understanding of the functional consequences of normal fixational eye movements on visual perception, it would be important to determine and understand the conditions under which fixational eye movements cease to become beneficial to vision.
In the present study, we sought to determine whether the functional consequences of (abnormal) fixational eye movements of people with macular disease were qualitatively similar to those of people with normal vision. Specifically, we sought to determine whether or not (and how) abnormal fixational eye movements affect the power spectra of the retinal stimulation for a group of observers with long-standing macular disease and relatively stable PRLs. We hypothesized that if ocular drifts are tuned for spectral equalization based on the spatial-frequency tuning of the retinal ganglion cells at or around the PRL, then spectral whitening should be limited to lower spatial frequencies with increasing PRL eccentricity. For comparison, we included a control group of older adults with normal vision. The average age of this group matched that of the group of people with macular disease. As an auxiliary question, we also examined whether or not there is a normal aging effect in the amount of spectral whitening by including a group of normally sighted young adults as observers and comparing the amount of whitening exhibited by the young versus older adults with a normal fovea.