In our sample of 27 participants across the two experiments, 17 participants described the dress as blue-black and 10 as white-gold, in line with an approximate 2:1 ratio of blue-black to white-gold observers (with a large sample size:
Lafter-Sousa, Hermann, & Conway, 2015). Analyses of the individual differences in the summed-harmonic 3-Hz blue-yellow response topographies turned out to provide a highly reliable classifier of the individuals’ percepts. These decoding analyses separated blue-black from white-gold observers with over 80% accuracy, significantly above chance (
p <. 005 for both groups). This outcome is in spite of the fact that significant asymmetries in blue-yellow responses were not found in five of the participants, and that amplitude differences between the groups were not manifest in the asymmetrical signals averaged across the occipitoparietal ROI (
Figure 4A). A control decoding of observers’ symmetrical (summed-harmonic 6-Hz) responses was not successful (neither group was classified with accuracy above chance-level). Thus the decoding effectively discriminated the observers only for the tagged asymmetry frequency where they would be expected to differ.
The amplitude of the asymmetry response was not diagnostic of white-gold or blue-black perception, perhaps as the result of great inter-individual differences in response amplitude on the scalp, which may be due to physiological factors unrelated to the processes of interest, for example, cortical folding orienting dipole sources and skull thickness (
Luck, 2005). However, this null result may be influenced by many factors, including a lack of statistical power. Note that at the traditional chromatic visual evoked potential (VEP) recording site, medial-occipital electrode Oz, amplitude differences were also not found across groups: 0.85 µV (SD = 0.51 µV) blue-black versus 0.78 µV (SD = 0.51 µV) white-gold. Phase differences were also not significant at the group level, and were not reliable for categorizing individual participants (note the overlapping ranges in
Figure 4C). The success of our decoding was thus possible only because we used high-density EEG.
Note that the performance of this decoding was determined using a binary split of individuals into either white-gold or blue-black based on their descriptions of the dress, and was thus based on how observers labeled the dress colors and not necessarily how they perceived them. It has been shown that across observers there may be a continuum of saturation percepts of the dress's color (
Gegenfurtner et al., 2015;
Witzel et al., 2017). Indeed, individual differences in perceived saturation may have contributed to the wide variety of blue-yellow asymmetry amplitudes in both perceptual groups (
Fig. 5A). Such differences may be influenced by the extent to which individuals interpret the lighting of the dress as direct or indirect, and thus the extent to which they attribute the bluish tint to the surface or illuminant. As such the differences across individuals may reflect relatively high-level visual inferences regarding illumination. It has also been suggested that these differences may reflect differences in the pattern of lighting observers are exposed to—early-rising “larks” versus late-rising “owls” may have different learned illumination priors. By this account late-risers are likely exposed to more artificial, yellower light and thus may tend to more frequently report perceiving the dress (rather than the lighting) as blue (
Wallisch, 2017;
Lafer-Sousa & Conway, 2017).
Yet, despite the possible graded variation in the dress percepts, the fact that the classifier could discriminate the two groups indicates that the neural signals carried sufficient information about these categorical differences, or that there was at least a strong relation between the percepts and the labels (e.g., so that those who described it as blue by and large saw it as more blue). Categorical effects in perception of the dress have also been reported: approximately 9 of 10 individuals are satisfied by using the terms
white-gold or
blue-black to describe its colors (
Lafter-Sousa, Hermann, & Conway, 2015). Here, we hypothesize that a categorical interpretation of the dress as chromatic (blue) or achromatic (white), may lead to the blue-yellow alternation as either a chromatic-chromatic (perceived blue-yellow) or achromatic-chromatic (perceived white-yellow) asymmetry, which may differentially activate different sets of neural sources (as will be discussed in the follow section), leading to the reliable topographical differences across perceptual groups.
One test of this hypothesis was performed through our comparison of white-gold and blue-black observers’ blue-yellow dress asymmetries to the green-red and gray-yellow dress asymmetries. We hypothesized that the topographies of blue-black observers’ blue-yellow asymmetries would resemble those of green-red asymmetries, while the topographies of white-gold observers’ blue-yellow asymmetries would resemble those of gray-yellow asymmetries. A topographical decoding analysis was applied across experiments, which was able to classify 90% of white-gold observers’ blue-yellow asymmetries as more similar to gray-yellow than green-red, and 71% of blue-black observers as more similar to green-red than gray-yellow (both Ps < .05; see Results).
To further test this hypothesis, we would predict that blue-black, but not white-gold observers, have larger blue-yellow asymmetry amplitudes than blue-black observers relative to their gray-yellow asymmetry amplitudes in Experiment 2. To follow up on this here, we performed an extra comparison of white-gold observers’ responses, which revealed no significant differences with a small effect size between blue-yellow (M = 0.54 µV, SE = 0.126 µV) and gray-yellow asymmetries (M = 0.67 µV, SE = 0.158 µV), t4 = 1.63, d = 0.40, P = 0.18 (2-tailed, paired-sample). Conversely, the blue-black observers had a medium effect-size, significantly lower blue-yellow (M = 0.41 µV, SE = 0.103 µV) than gray-yellow asymmetries (M = 0.65 µV, SE = 0.208 µV), t8 = 2.30, d = 0.92, P = 0.025 (1-tailed, paired-sample), again consistent with a higher effective blue contrast in the blue-black observers. Note however that an interaction between perceptual group (blue-black and white-gold) and condition (blue-yellow and gray-yellow) could not be tested appropriately, due to the small number of participants per perceptual group in the second experiment (9 blue-black and 5 white-gold observers).
The lower accuracy for identifying blue-black observers as closer to green-red responses may be due to differences in the responses to each of these pairs of colors (akin to differences in blue and red EEG responses reported by
Anllo-Vento, Luck, & Hillyard, 1998). Differences in population-level responses to different colors may also be predicted by intracranial EEG and imaging studies (e.g.,
Brouwer & Heeger, 2009;
Murphey, Yoshor, & Beauchamp, 2008;
Kuriki et al., 2011). Potential sources of these differences are discussed in the following section. Note that since roughly equal proportions of white-gold and blue-black observers were present in the green-red and gray-yellow groups (5/13 vs. 5/14, respectively, green-red and gray-yellow topographical differences were likely not driven by differences across white-gold or blue-black individuals.
Some differences in ocular anatomy and physiology have been reported across blue-black and white-gold observers of the dress (
Rabin et al., 2016;
Vemuri et al., 2016), and genetic factors have been estimated to account for about a third of the variation in the percept (
Mahroo et al., 2017). Additionally, in our data, variability in the asymmetric modulations to green-red stimuli also occurs across observers, but is unlikely to be correlated with the (negligible) differences in the relative perceptual salience of the red and green hues. As noted, one previous study investigating neural markers of perception of the dress found small group-level differences in early-stage cortical processing (
Rabin et al., 2016). Here, stimulus sets were balanced for precortical color signals, such that while other early-level processes might contribute to the percepts, they are unlikely to be the primary factor. In contrast, another study reported correlates of perception of the dress with late-stage frontal and parietal “higher cognition” areas, such as those involved in attention or decision making (
Schlaffke et al., 2015). While it is possible that these “post-perceptual” factors play a role, our results point to neural traces at stages that are likely both perceptual and high-level.
We attribute our asymmetry responses to perceptual rather than “higher cognition” processing, because they are predominant over inferior occipitoparietal cortical areas associated with visual responses. Moreover, these responses are elicited from participants naïve to the experimental design and without a stimulus-related task, such that here is no incentive for selective modulation of attention to either stimulus or for post-perceptual decision or task-related processes. Finally, we attribute them to high-level perception because the pattern of responses corresponds more closely to the observers’ percepts than to the spectral sensitivities of early color coding.